I Hooked Up With An Older Man When We Were Both Smashed During LGBTQI+ Pride Month

I don’t know if he knew it would be a gay one-night stand but it was incredible

The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
The Memoirist
7 min readJun 8, 2022


Photo by Rana Sawalha on Unsplash, unfortunately not the man in the story but I wish it had been

Content Warning: Some suggestive and sometimes strong sexual content is contained within this story.

It was a random June day back in 2005. I was 22 going on 23 that August. As was usual, I always came down to the bars in downtown Sacramento solo. I was young, anxious, and wanted to find someone to hook up with.

At that age, I was fairly timid though and I’d never actually admit that I was there to do that. It took quite a lot of liquid courage to get me to even talk to another guy. I was usually off to the side listening to all of the random conversations and people watching while drinking the strongest alcoholic beverages you could possibly purchase at a bar.

I swear that my regular hangout spot, The Mercantile Saloon, was so generous with their alcohol that it looked like they poured liquor and then a splash of soda as opposed to the opposite. It would only usually take me two or three to get me to the point that I’d be warm and inebriated enough to be bolder than I usually was. I would go up to a cute guy and start talking.

Many times, they either just ignored me or would just be polite. On this one particular June day though, I saw this lonely guy in his late 30s, or early 40s sitting in the corner by himself. I was already five drinks in and feeling frisky. He was a decently handsome man and I was surprised to see him all alone.

I came over and sat right next to him. Then I introduced myself and asked him about himself. He didn’t seem interested at first so it took a lot of initial questions to get him to open up.

“What are you looking for here, guy?”

Honestly, even to this day, I can’t even remember his name but when he started loosening up and having fun with me, we both had a great time. By the end of the night, both of us must’ve had at least ten drinks each. I suggested that we grab a cab and go over to his place.

I still lived with my parents and I didn’t want him to find this out plus I wanted the night to continue and have even more fun with him. He said, “Oh, you want a cab? I have a cab.”

Oh, shit, he’s a cab driver. Not ideal, but I can work with this.

“Are you going to charge me for this ride?” He was clearly not in a state to drive so I should’ve stopped him but I wanted us to be able to leave. “No, you’re riding the driver when we get back.” He snapped back.

He ran up to me in a slightly drunken stupor and clumsily slapped my behind. “Oh, save some of that for the bedroom, stud. We haven’t even gotten in the vehicle yet.” It took us at least an hour to get moving. All we wanted to do when we entered the cab was make out. We just started getting the windows super foggy as we were both still pretty intoxicated.

It was well past closing time at that point and we were one of the only vehicles in the parking lot remaining. “Let’s get this cab on the road,” I exclaimed.

As we were driving over to his house, I found out that he was only about 15 minutes away from the bar. That was a good thing though. It was the longest 15 minutes in a long time. I knew, even in my intoxicated state, that he probably shouldn’t be driving and he kept swerving and nearly hitting a few curbs on the way back. “So, why did you decide to come over and talk to me?” He asked.

“That’s not important. I just want to get back to your place and get busy with you.” He followed that up with a statement that almost had me stopped in my tracks. “I don’t normally go with guys as old as you are.”

Um, I’m 22 years old, what did he mean by this? “How old are you normally used to dating or hooking up with?”

“Barely legal boys like 18, 19. You’re like, what, 25?” he asked.

“I’m 22. Barely older than what you’re into.” I retorted.

“I’m 36.” He said. I didn’t believe him for a second. He looked closer to 40 or 45 as the hair on top of his head was thinning significantly despite his good looks and he had a few more wrinkles than what I was used to in a 36-year-old.

Not like I had hooked up with many 36-year-olds in the past anyway. I didn’t challenge him though. We were almost there and I was about to get lucky. We pulled into the gate of his apartment and pulled up to a nice-looking, relatively organized, and clean apartment. “Is this yours, stud?’’

I was excited but at the same time relieved that we had made it back to his house in one piece. “Yeah. Do you want something to drink? Do you want to do something else first?”

“I’ll take the water, but then we’re going straight to your bedroom and we’re going to have some fun.” He didn’t seem to object to me being so forward at this point. He seemed to be ready. After I slurped the large glass of water enthusiastically, I quickly placed the glass back down, ran to the bathroom, and got right to his bed. I must’ve been in full-on sex mode as I’d already just stripped my clothes right off before he could even get into his room.

He didn’t hesitate as he walked in, he followed suit. We started on the bed again what we had been doing in the taxi as we passionately made out on the bed above the covers as we were both very excited and hot for each other.

I didn’t know exactly what he wanted to do next so I initiated the next move as I started to rub myself up against his backside. He actually seemed to enjoy this. I couldn’t wait to enter him fast enough.

I’ll spare you all the details since I hadn’t initially intended this story to come off as erotica or straight-up gay porn but this lasted for a good couple of hours as we spent the time exploring each other and having some of the best sex of my life. We both arrived multiple times and wore each other out.

Let’s just say that the drinking hadn’t hindered either one of our abilities to satisfy the other person. I don’t even remember when it ended. I just remember that we ended up falling asleep with each other in an embrace. I remembered that I had to work at some point the next day and was hoping that I wouldn’t sleep in too long after being up until almost 6 am.

I woke up in a sweat and realized that I had hooked up with the older man the night before and that this all wasn’t a dream. I asked for a ride back to the train downtown after he treated me to breakfast. It was already about 1 pm when I got back but at this point, I didn’t care if I was late for work at this point. It was one of those rare times I put myself out there and it paid off.

I got some action. And during Pride Month to boot. I was content with myself. If you really must know, I called in that day. I wasn’t even going to think about rushing that great day. I really thought at that point in my life still that I needed to be hammered to have fun and in reality, this actually was the case for me because I was so anxious and nervous around other men.

And also, I wouldn’t see him or hook up with him again. I don’t know if he knew we wouldn’t but we both seemed content with the moments we had. I just didn’t feel right thinking back when he mentioned the barely legal men. His daddy-son fetish turned me off. Who knows if he was picturing a much younger man than me? It would’ve never worked.

I don’t want the main takeaway to be that you have to be drunk to be loose enough to land at least a one-night stand but it worked for me in this instance and a couple of others at this point in my life.

To read more about how I was around that time in my life. I wrote this story well before Pride Month this year so check it out.

Ginger Cook, here’s that tag we talked about in my last story. I know that Elvie Lins also wanted to be tagged in one of my stories as well. I’ll continue spreading my tags out throughout the month with my Pride Month stories.



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
The Memoirist

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.