Joy is Contagious

Happiness is in the now

Gaurav Jain
The Memoirist
2 min readJun 11, 2022


Getting ready for take-off (Author’s Photo)

Wife: “Let’s hold hands and hop.”

Me: “Are you insane?”

Wife: “You are such a bore. What’s wrong with you?”

So, what was my hesitation in complying with the request? Well, let me set the scene.

It was 7 AM. We were in the middle of the street taking a morning stroll. And I was being asked to jump like a kid. What am I, 12?

Duniya mai sabse bada rog, mere baare mai kya kahenge log? (The biggest disease in the world, what will people say about me?)

But, as they say, a happy wife means a happy life. So, there I was, participating in that abhorrence as I continued to watch over my shoulder.

She was laughing and I was exasperating(thank you, dad bod).

Fan of Optimus (Author’s Photo)

A couple approaching from the opposite direction were aghast. Their eyes scanned us as if we were aliens. I’m sure as we breezed past through them, the thought of dialing 911 to report a laboratory escape would have crossed their mind.

But joy is contagious, you see. When I turned around a few seconds later, I noticed two heat signatures giggling, hopping, and fumbling. A smile lightened all our faces.

It would sound cliché but, it was one of those moments in life when you realize that joy is always at a hand’s distance from us. It lies in being able to do whatever you wish to do regardless of whenever and wherever.

I know it’s tough out there for all of us. But this personal experience is a much-needed reminder that all it takes to be content is a split second and the willingness to say yes to every little opportunity life bestows upon us.

Those who know my significant other would know she is a complete live wire. She can go from being a melodramatic actress to a laughing maniac in a split second. Sometimes, I wonder if she has a switch in her head that she can flip at will.

I am blessed to share this life with a crazy soul like hers.

Thank you for reading. Best!

The Lost Panda (Author’s Photo)

