July Newsletter: It’s Okay to Slow Down In the Summer

News From The Memoirist

KiKi Walter
The Memoirist
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2 min readJul 1, 2024


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Dear Memoirists,

Happy summer!

I hope all of you are enjoying the warm air, the sun, family whatchahoozits and barbeques, and all that jazz.

Summer can be an odd time for writers. The summer slowdown can wreak havoc with our sense of guilt and self-loathing. We often become much busier either running around doing summer things or being super lazy not doing much of anything, as one is wont to do in the summer.

Try not to be hard on yourself for enjoying time away from writing. As with any job, time to refresh and rejuvenate is important and even vital for your creativity. Not just that, but so you remain in love with your creativity.

Life is all about balance. Well, not just all about balance, but it sure helps your mental health.

If you’ve gone from four pieces a month to one — never fear. The Memoirist is still here and waiting for when the kids go back to school and the breeze becomes just a little cooler.

And if your chaos doesn’t let you slow down, well, that’s okay too.

New Writers

I’ve been slowly going through the old emails and adding new writers. Welcome to those who have recently joined The Memoirist family! If you requested to be added before the end of May, you may want to send a new request to bring it up to the top of my inbox.

July Writing Prompt

We have a new writing prompt up for July: Summer Fling!

It’s summer, so — you know — keeping this short and sweet! May you all have a safe and happy summer. We look forward to reading all your future pieces. And be sure to check out Cindy Heath’s memoir writing series here on The Memoirist. She provides a wealth of knowledge for all those interested in writing memoirs and personal essays!

xo — Ki



KiKi Walter
The Memoirist

AKA "The Memoir Queen." Ki is the founder & publisher of The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, Black Bear, and more.