June Memoir Prompt: “I Hated That Job!”

Give us your stories about your worst most terrible jobs

KiKi Walter
The Memoirist
Published in
1 min readJun 3, 2023


Memoirists —

Who’s looking for a new writing prompt!? I’ve got a good one for June….

“I hated that job!”

I’m looking for stories about your worst job, awful experiences, and terrific memories of crappy ass work situations. Give us humor, drama, and everything in between.

Did you have a horrible boss?

Annoying co-worker?

Crazy antics?

Were you the mess at work? Let’s hear all about it!

Prompt Guidelines

  • Your story must be true
  • Have fun with it — it can be funny, serious, whatever!
  • Does NOT have to take place in June
  • Please have a “Jobs” tag

Here’s a little story of mine about how I was the scary one in the office:

Have fun with your stories — don’t forget to give them a Jobs tag!

xo — Ki



KiKi Walter
The Memoirist

AKA "The Memoir Queen." Ki is the founder & publisher of The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, Black Bear, and more.