Have You Ever Lost Time?

Advice from Maya Angelou

Merve Ustuncelik Ikbal
The Memoirist
2 min readNov 29, 2021


Optical microscope image of a heart-shaped dust particle

Focusing on a single problem may create so much internal stress. Especially when we have a deadline to finish things, life turns into a nightmare. We almost forget the meaning of life and of course, time.

What if forgetting the meaning of time is a sign of good things?

It is a well-known reality that scientists, entrepreneurs, and artists dedicated themselves to their work while working on new discoveries. They kept repeating things until they were sure about the final result.

How did they reach their goal in a limited time?

When you fully focus on the moment without recalling the negative memories of the past and wrong assumptions about the future, you have a chance to be part of a divine source of reality.

Maya Angelou emphasizes the importance of this in her book I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.” I realized that I highlighted so many sentences in her book when I finished reading. Even her heartbreaking childhood was not an excuse for her to stop fighting for her dreams. Grown-up among abusive people made her more ambitious to find her own path. She was unable to speak until the age of 8 because of the trauma she had, however, she was so clever enough to turn her wounds into wisdom.

In the following years, diving into the sea of literature and keep observing people in silence helped her to create the space she needed for self-development. While she was memorizing the long Shakespeare poems which she loved to do so, she lost the meaning of time.

After spending almost 3 hours in front of optical microscopy to hoping to find the best material to make a device, I was able to see the big picture. A tiny dust particle yelled at me the truth I was hiding behind.

We may not have the same experiences in life, however, we so bravely judge each other based on our perceptions. The best to get rid of this dilemma is to keep doing what we love to do so. Thus, the success would be our next station although hearing people’s discouraging comments.

That’s the thing she meant in her book: “Pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.”

The heart-shaped dust particle changed my perception of time and at the end of the day, I put into words what I experienced :

Time does not exist for those whose love comes from the heart.



Merve Ustuncelik Ikbal
The Memoirist

Let’s discover the hidden beauty of materials in science, art, and literature. As a materials scientist & story writer, I’ll guide you in this journey.