My Close Call with Trafficking- The Sound of Freedom Was an Eyeopener!

Hindsight can sometimes be a shocker.

Charisse Tyson
The Memoirist


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You need to if you haven’t seen The Sound of Freedom yet. It’s a real eye-opener about the sex trafficking of children. After seeing it, I reflected on a time in my tumultuous past and realized I came very close to being a victim.

I grew up in a broken and dysfunctional home. God bless my mother. She did the best that she could. Mom had to work hard as a single parent of three boys and a daughter with zero child support. She worked as a beautician while attending college to get a well-paying job, which she eventually did. Her job at Lockheed building circuit boards paid well enough that she didn’t need a second job, but it took her years to get to that place.

My older brother and I share the same father, and my two younger brothers have the same dad. The fact that neither of them paid any child support speaks to their characters. I never really knew my father, but I remember my first stepfather and his violent bouts well. We escaped from him on Christmas Eve in the middle of the night, but that’s another story.

In many situations, the



Charisse Tyson
The Memoirist

Author, blogger, and retired biker bar owner. Sharing God-wink stories to give others hope. Check out my memoir Born Again in a Biker Bar