My Mother Tried to Make Me Lose Custody of My Kids

We hadn’t spoken in 10 years

The Memoirist


A mother with dark brown hair smiles as she hugs her brown-haired daughter. Her brown-haired son sits beside them at a table. There are white flowers on the table.
Image credit: Photo by Elina Fairytale

Loaded guns tucked behind Kurt Cobain-style flannels. Candy wrappers and empty whiskey bottles in an armoire. A jewelry box filled with roach clips and secrets.

My parents’ bedroom was full of interesting things. I wasn’t supposed to snoop through their stuff, but who would stop me? They weren’t home. They rarely were.

My father left before sunrise and returned late at night — a hard worker despite his drinking problem. My mother was a high school dropout who let everyone down with her choices. It’s the only thing we have in common, I guess.

I didn’t know this yet as I rummaged through my mother’s wooden jewelry box. My grades were perfect; I was good at everything. Well, everything except minding my own business.

Multiple name tags were nestled among shoplifted necklaces and earrings in my mother’s wooden jewelry box. I was impressed. These small rectangles were reminders of her days as a fast food team member, retail worker, and other gigs that didn’t last. Why had my mother worked at so many jobs? My dad had been at the same factory for years.

Family members said my mother lacked ambition, but I knew better. My mother is an opportunist, but money doesn’t motivate her. Revenge does.



The Memoirist

Working through my trauma one story at a time. Thanks for joining me on my journey.