My Shyness in High School Led To One of My Greatest Regrets

High school wasn’t fun at all

Lawson Wallace
The Memoirist


Photo by Daisa TJ:

It was a weekend night at Yokota Air Force Base in Fussa, Japan. Like a lot of high school kids, I went to the Base Theatre to see a movie. I purchased my ticket and turned to get in line. That’s when I saw her.

Her name was Esther. Like me, she was overweight. She was different from me in that she never seemed to have a problem getting a date.

We got along great. What was my problem?

We often talked and flirted when we saw each other in the smoking area at school. I was obtuse and stunted, I never dated, and I was mostly interested in beer and cigarettes but I was obsessed like all teenage boys with girls, I felt the chemistry, but I was too chicken to do anything about it. Things heated up when Esther got a job bussing tables at the Non-Commissioned Officers Club where I was a dishwasher.

We would laugh and tease each other having a good time on the job. I had strong feelings for her and it was obvious she was digging me as well.

What was I afraid of? I have no clue

I saw Esther as she walked to the ticket window alone. A few yards separated us. I went inside the theatre and took a seat. I…



Lawson Wallace
The Memoirist

64-year-old married guy, I have been writing stories for years, but never submitted or published anything. I write about my successes and failures, everything.