No Love on the Day of Hearts

I dreaded Valentine’s Day every year

Mandy McElroy
The Memoirist


Photo courtesy of author’s personal pictures

I dreaded Valentine’s Day every year because I was embarrassed. By profession, I’m a cosmetologist. I spent the majority of the years I worked in that business at the same establishment. That particular salon was small when I started there, but business was good and my city was growing.

Within a year after I began working there, another stylist had been brought on. Then another and another, and so on. We had maybe three guys and ten girls by the time I moved on fifteen years later.

The reason Valentine’s was so problematic for me was that my husband never sent me flowers. The other girls who worked there with the exception of one, all received them. It was so embarrassing. Commercial flowers were something my husband had a real hangup about. His reason for never giving me any was that he thought they were a ripoff.

He felt this way about other things too. Initially, I made more money than he did and had been supporting myself for several years when we met. I will never forget the day I came home from grocery shopping after work with a pound of shrimp. He demanded to know how much I had paid for them. I answered him truthfully and he had a fit. To say he lambasted me for purchasing them would be an understatement. What a lecture I received!



Mandy McElroy
The Memoirist

Divorced for 3 years, after leaving a 40 year marriage. An adult daughter removed herself and her children from my life due to my decision. The pain remains.