Nobody Ever Teaches You What It Takes to Be Human

A vivid memory from childhood that deeply touched my soul

Abhimanyu Bhargava
The Memoirist


Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels

“Could you step out for a moment and allow me to go in?” I muttered as she kept staring at me with a blank expression.

I repeated, raising my voice slightly, “Please, can you get out so I can go in?”

Her bewildered gaze persisted, leaving me increasingly exasperated. With a subtle gesture, I tried to convey my urgency for her to vacate the spot.

Feeling thoroughly irritated, I hesitantly settled down beside her.

“Why do they always make me sit with girls?” I grumbled in frustration.

Sharing my personal space with a girl was never a preference. I despised it. Having two sisters and a mother at home was enough for me.

Her shoulder-length hair cascaded neatly around her. She dressed in a crisp, white shirt paired with a blue skirt, yet a perpetual look of bewilderment lingered in her eyes.

Why was she so perplexed all the time?

In a world obsessed with the English language, she struggled to communicate. Having been transferred from a school where Hindi served as the primary medium of instruction, English didn’t come naturally to her.



Abhimanyu Bhargava
The Memoirist

I write about health, fitness, self-improvement, life lessons, nutrition, careers, Crypto and NFTs. Here to empower you!