Our Double Rainbow

A road trip to San Francisco, our first kiss, and more adventures

Heather Paz
The Memoirist


Cars pass over the Golden Gate Bridge and the blue sea dotted by sailboats.
Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware. -Martin Buber

I entered grad school expecting to graduate with an M.A. When I completed the program, I’d earned an M.A. and a Mrs. Such a deal!

This is the story of how I became Mrs. Paz.

I met my husband on the first day of grad school. We were in a small cohort of about 25 teachers pursuing master’s degrees.

As we gave brief introductions around the room, I noticed the tan, handsome man across from me. He wore a silky shirt printed with street art and slacks. As you can imagine, he must have been good-looking (and confident!) to wear that so well.

I’m 99% sure I wore jeans, a t-shirt, and maybe my boots. Classes were on Saturdays, and I had likely stopped by the barn on my way to Cal State.

My nervous introduction probably included details about my job teaching Kindergarteners in a public school and my collection of pets. Precisely: A rescue cat, two Australian Shepherds, and an Arabian horse.

Mr. Handsome’s introduction included his job teaching juveniles in jail and his collection of children. Precisely: Two young boys and two little girls. And an…

