She Kicked Me When I Was Down

That outburst of rage was merely the straw that broke my back

Divina Grey
The Memoirist


Photo by Mads Severinsen on Unsplash

My plan for this piece is somber. It’s a lengthy story about friendship, filled with hurt, anger, confusion, and unhealthy dynamics.

However, my thirty-year friendship with Wendy wasn’t all bad. (Why would you stick around if a relationship was consistently malicious?)

There was an enormous component of side-splitting hilarity, too.

Naturally, I chose a kooky-looking camel as a visual aid for this piece while reflecting on my long-time friendship with Wendy.

I’ll start there — with the good stuff.

The Comical and Innocent Years

One thing I miss dearly about my friendship with Wendy is our comedic connection, the kind of telepathic kinship you have with a sibling where one glance equals gut-busting laughter.

We were still in the single digits when we met. And I hate to say it, but our friendship was on founded convenience. Wendy’s family purchased a house across the street from my grandparents. Our brothers befriended one another, and soon after, Wendy and I found company and comfort in each other.



Divina Grey
The Memoirist

A Certified Nursing Assistant, Mom, Musician, Fitness Enthusiast, and Owner of Divina's Release publication. | Open to gigs: