Six of the Best Podcasts For Memoir Writers and Readers in 2022

The best creative nonfiction podcasts focused on memoirs.

Cindy Heath
The Memoirist


Image by the author on

When I listen to podcasts, I walk further. But, my morning walk is also when I think about the day’s writing. Decisions, Decisions.

Lately, the allure of memoir-specific podcasts is winning.

Good news! I’m leaving soon for a 36-hour road trip. So I’m downloading episodes from all the podcasts that help me improve my memoir writing.

So, why not, I thought, share them with you?

So many helpful resources for memoir writers

There are a LOT of great shows interviewing authors and sharing writing tips, but few are directed at those of us writing memoirs.

Of course, we can still benefit from many discussions on techniques and principles applicable to all writers. But I’ve been looking for podcasts with more inclusion for creative nonfiction writers, especially memoirists.

Here’s a list of the podcasts I’ve found the most valuable for memoirists.

  1. The Shit No One Tells You About Writing is hosted by Bianca Marais, Carly Watters, and CeCe Lyra. The hosts describe their platform as a podcast for emerging writers looking to



Cindy Heath
The Memoirist

I’ve been a farmer, entrepreneur, writer, and more. I'm passionate about nutrition, health, nature, and the rewards of personal writing.