Memoir | Life | Mental Health

Spilled Oatmeal and Spiraling Thoughts

Sometimes meltdowns are inevitable, but that’s okay

The Memoirist
Published in
7 min readFeb 15, 2024


A blonde woman eats a bowl of oatmeal. She is wearing a black sleeveless camisole and sitting at a white kitchen table. The cabinets behind her are red.
Image credit: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

I eat oatmeal for breakfast each morning.

Surprises can be stressful, so I find comfort in my daily routine. Call me boring or inflexible if you want, but I prefer terms like dependable. You can count on me to do the same thing, the same way, indefinitely — or until I find my next hyperfixation.

But hey, I’m not completely rigid when it comes to my breakfast of choice. Sometimes I add blueberries and a splash of almond milk to my gluten-free oats instead of a sliced banana. Usually, I go with the banana, though, and today was no exception.

I played upbeat music on my Alexa — another part of my daily routine — while I prepared my oatmeal. “Ask me how I’m doing, I’m blessed, yes” I sang along with Charlie Wilson as my oats simmered on the stove.

“Goooooooddddd morning, guys! Happy Valentine’s Day!” I yelled down the hallway, carefully slicing a banana into small circles. Today was going to be a good day.

“Happy Valentine’s Day!” my kids yelled back as they ran into the kitchen. My boys hugged me as I drizzled almond butter over my banana-topped oatmeal. All I needed was a pinch of hemp seeds and…



The Memoirist

Working through my trauma one story at a time. Thanks for joining me on my journey.