The Best Part Of Turning 19 Was The Hat

But it was as fleeting as the men in my life

Barbara Carter
The Memoirist
Published in
8 min readMay 10, 2023


My boyfriend, Adam and Me on my 19th birthday. author photo

My birthday is on Christmas Day. I never had a birthday party. The holiday overshadows anyone born around that time of year.

But the one birthday that stands out was my 19th birthday.

Even though I’d been drinking since my early teens, it would mean I’d be of legal age to drink in Nova Scotia, Canada.

And able to buy alcohol and not depend on others getting it for me. Of no longer lying about my age and sneaking into bars.

my liquor store ID, author photo

The year leading up to that milestone birthday had been a rough one. My life summed up by the song, Torn Between Two Lovers by Mary MacGregor. A hit song from the previous year.

The month before my 19th birthday, a huge argument with Barry, the guy I’d been seeing while still with my 36-year-old boyfriend Adam, left my place where he’d been living to go stay with his friends in the city.

I had tried to make it work with Barry because I wanted to end my relationship with Adam. A…



Barbara Carter
The Memoirist

Memoir. Life Lessons. Creativity. Art. Healing. Relationships. Books.