Trusting the World

Pulling your teeth out can be easy

The Memoirist


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Six-year-old Lev happily climbs onto the dentist’s chair.

The dentist applies an anesthetic to his gum, washes it off, and studies Lev’s tooth. “It is, indeed, very loose.” She wraps her fingers in a medical bandage, pops them into Lev’s mouth, and in a second, his first baby tooth is out.

Lev is happy. With his first tooth gone, he has entered a new stage of life. I am happy too. He wasn’t scared. In fact, I am stunned by his bravery. To me, being brave is synonymous to trusting the world. I hope he keeps on trusting it.



The Memoirist

30-year-old mom, dancer, wife, lover of life. Originally from Russia, but the U.S. is my second home. Currently living the expat life in Thailand.