
There are some people you can never forget

Carrie Ann Golden
The Memoirist


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Ever had an individual who’d left a permanent mark on you and your life as a whole?

I was having a normal uneventful day when an article suddenly popped up in one of the social media’s news feeds:


Suddenly, memories flooded my mind.

Memories of her. Of the day after and the days beyond.

June 23, 1987

There are a few specific days I still remember from my childhood. This particular one was a day when my idyllic view of the world around me changed.

It was late morning and I was over at the Briggs’ residence for Vacation Bible School. We’d just finished with a craft project and were cleaning up in the living room when there was a knock at the front door.

I immediately recognized the blonde middle-aged woman as my Aunt Bea. I knew she was there to pick up my two cousins, Steve and Julie; but, there was something about her facial expression that caught and held my attention as she conversed with Mrs. Briggs in the kitchen.

There were tears in her eyes.



Carrie Ann Golden
The Memoirist

Adirondack native writer & poet living in North Dakota. Introspector. Scrutinizer. What you see isn't always what's really there.