Unlocking The Secrets of The Indifferent Man in The Corner

All the things I don’t know about my father, who was there while I grew up

Andi Nara
The Memoirist
Published in
8 min readAug 18, 2023


gingerbread cookie in a shape of a heart, the sign in the middle says PAPA
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

I’ve been staring at the empty, white canvas of Ulysses in front of me for the last three hours. I’m getting impatient, so I start writing. Whatever. I want to write about my father; it feels like it’s time. I wish I could write a compelling…



Andi Nara
The Memoirist

I write my life story - how I reclaimed myself after 18+ years of toxic trauma | Stroke Survivor | Championing Women in Leadership | Mentor | Human | Dog owner