Pope John Paul II — Now on Blockchain Forever

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4 min readNov 7, 2021

The Pope holds a powerful position in the world, and their activities have affected different parts of the history of the world. Therefore having a significant piece of leaders who changed the course of history is something worthy of note.

John Paul II NFT still


The story of John Paul II entails an absolute sense of belief and awareness that you can become anyone you want to be regardless of where you are from. John Paul II was the first non-Italian to lead the church in almost five centuries, which when you think about the setting of the Roman Catholic, you would realize that that achievement was a big deal. John Paul II was born as Karol Józef Wojtyła in Poland. For him, the position of the Pope was more than connecting and understanding nations and religions, but he traveled far and wide to ensure that political oppression was reduced. We all know the position of authority that the Pope assumes; rightfully so, John Paul II was able to bring many people together regardless of their beliefs. He recognized some of the words and negativity that have been thrown on Jews and Muslims. John Paul II then apologized for the years of insults. John Paul II was a man that believed we all could leave as one, with peace and understanding, respecting each other’s boundaries, cultural background, and religious beliefs.

Interesting Facts from his life

As the first non-Italian Pope for almost 466 years, the entire life of John Paul II was under the watchful eyes of the whole world. However, he was able to carry the people alomg and show his position against the political oppression of people. His love for people who were non-Catholics, and Christians was evident throughout his time as the religious leader. In the 1980s, John [auls position on nonviolent activism helped the Solidarity movement in Poland. His effort also led to the Soviet Union peacefully dissolving in 1991.

Although John Paul’s intentions towards ensuring human dignity and abolition of violence in the world were true, he was not able to keep the whole clergy together. He had some takes on sexual morality that threw his member off and some other teachings that were not quite received by his clergy.

John Paul II was a scholar and a philosopher; he had his doctorate in the examination of the theology of St. John of the Cross. John Paul II also was a lecturer and taught on social and sexual ethics; he also had another doctorate and later taught Theology at Jagiellonian University.

John Paul II had an innate passion for teaching people the simplicity of life through his words. He was a poet and had many published poems. More importantly, John Paul II had a vast understanding of the political, social, and religious scene in different parts of the and all these themes came into play in his poems and other writings.

A man gifted with so much wisdom, it was only right for people to begin to follow him. John Paul was also a spiritual mentor to a couple of young men who together would go on kayaking and camping trips. The friendship with his mentees allowed John Paul to write his first book, which pushed the church’s barriers to view sex. It was considered radical; however, some church leaders found it remarkable that he could think in such a way even with the restrictions of communist parties.

John Paul II stuck to his ideals and personal beliefs of how people should live and gradually rose through the ranks. He was later elected Pope in 1978 under one of the most interesting circumstances in Vatican City.

His role as a world leader

According to reports, it s said that John Paul II traveled more than any of the Popes before him. In fact, his clergy were so concerned about his traveling. For John Paul II, it was a matter of preaching to people to realize that even as Catholics, they were free. He traveled to different parts of the world, pulling massive crowds and speaking on the need to be free politically and the power in nonviolent political positions.

John Paul was strict on banning priests from participating in politics to unify all members of the church. His legacy was even more solidified after he was shot in the stomach in 1981 by a young Turkish assassin. He came out later to forgive the assassin, which allowed people to see him as a firm believer in the things he preached.

John Paul continued to advocate for peaceful resolution in the Soviet Union so that the trade Union would not be disrupted. He thought about the loves that would be affected and continued to press for peace in the way things were to be sorted out.

He also directed the writings of many texts, but he could call major leaders of different World Faith to pray with him that people admired. John Paul was always willing to understand the other side of people’s religion, which changed how Catholics and Christians saw life.

Why to own the Memorabilia

The Pope holds a powerful position in the world, and their activities have affected different parts of the history of the world. Therefore having a significant piece of leaders who changed the course of history is something worthy of note. Having the Authentic autograph in ink on a printed diploma by Pope John Paul II, will be surreal to own. There are many Pope Memorabilia that has been sold. You can get John Paul II memorabilia to have some part of his legacy.

