The Men’s Guide to Dating Under 6 Feet

A new publication to help men in the dating world

Robert K Starr
The Men’s Guide To Dating Under 6 Feet
2 min readAug 20, 2024


A man climbing a latter to reach for a heart.
Logo Made by the Author Using Canva

Men who go online for dating tips are invariably met with a slew of content to make them feel shitty about themselves. Women, this content says, will only date the top 10% of men. If you don’t have six-pack abs, a six-figure income, or a height of at least six feet, you might as well give up.

You’ll find websites that tell you women only like bad boys and if you want something, you need to take control and grab it for yourself. They’ll insist that this is just how evolution has made us and anything anybody else tells you is woke nonsense.

The good news is that none of this is true.

The bad news is that, for a lot of single men, these false narratives can feel true and even tempting. And embracing them not only does nothing to cure loneliness, but can lead to feelings of insecurity and toxic attitudes that will only isolate young men more.

In an effort to combat that, we’re creating a publication entitled The Men’s Guide to Dating Under 6 Feet.

What kinds of articles will you publish?

Anything that would be of interest or helpful for single men who are looking to date. This includes, but is not limited to, pieces offering dating tips or debunking cultural myths as well as personal stories.

What kinds of articles will you not publish?

Anything promoting misogynistic, toxically masculine, or pseudoscientific ideas.

Can trans men contribute?

Of course.

What about gay men? Or women?

We welcome people of any gender or sexuality to offer their perspectives.

What if I’m 6'2"?

Any heights, as well.

How can I submit an article?

For your first article, please use this form.

Once you’re accepted into the publication, please submit future articles using the standard tools Medium offers.

Either way, before submission, make sure that your article has a title, subtitle, and image that’s legal for you to use and properly credited.

Proofread to ensure there aren’t any spelling or grammatical errors. Please cite any claims with proper hyperlinks to the source (particularly claims relating to gender differences and dating statistics).

Additionally, avoid longer paragraphs and break up anything that’s longer than six lines. Since many Medium users read on their phones, they find shorter paragraphs easier to digest.



Robert K Starr
The Men’s Guide To Dating Under 6 Feet

Romance novelist and screenwriter. Formerly software engineer, physicist, and high school teacher. I love my dog and also your dog.