Mental Health Tips

1 Stupidly Simple Mental Health Hack

It works whether you’re an NFT degen or not, and I guarantee you’ll feel at least 1% better after trying it. (NFA, DYOR)

Kohlrabi Sushi
Mental Health Collective


Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

Looking after your mental health while working in Web3 or just being around this constantly changing space is challenging.

Let me share a rather revolutionary mental health hack that I believe works with pretty high ROI.

Move. Your. Body.

(moving your fingers on the keyboard doesn’t count, I’m sorry)

Ok, loud and clear for those in the back:


Perhaps too simple? I know you know this but do you do it?

Think about it. How many hours/days (!?) have you spent switching between Discord, Twitter, Icy tools, and Gem (worst case scenario OS) without standing up for a pee?

I’ve been there myself, and it’s not pretty.

My shoulders were aching, and my eyes were dry. Did I do anything about it? No. And yet, moving around for 10 minutes would have left me and my body feeling tons better.

Some tips for success:

  • don’t overcomplicate it
  • no gym membership is needed
  • any movement count that increases your heart rate at least by 50%
  • 10 minutes is good enough
  • don’t wait for motivation (it’s not going to appear magically). Just start it
  • bonus points for any movement completed outside (just lots of other mental health boosting factors around)
  • find someone who will hold you accountable

I find the biggest obstacle people face is getting started—especially those who overthink.

Work out quickly. What’s an activity that has the least amount of friction: you own a pair of shoes and have 10 minutes to walk around the block? Great, do it now.

You have a garden/yard, and can you get outside to do some pottering or weeding? Excellent, do it.

You actually pay for a gym membership and don’t use it. I’ve heard this so many times, so please annoy the gym by using their facilities.

You get the idea. Try it and let me know if you don’t feel at least 1% better.

If you want to read more about Mental health and NFTs, please follow my Twitter account here and the Mental health collective here.



Kohlrabi Sushi
Mental Health Collective

Close to 20 years in the field of mental health. Accred. psychotherapist turned NFT degen. Here to write&learn&connect. I write about NFTs, ADHD&neurodiversity