
The New Frontier: Web3

A global open call to brave and hungry explorers willing to risk everything and build our future

Non Fungible Therapist
Mental Health Collective


I recently moved to New York City. One day, during a walk, enjoying the city and thinking about its past, I was overwhelmed by a thought.

History repeats itself.

This impressive city was built by brave and hardworking immigrants searching for a better life. Those willing to leave their comforts and endure the unknown for the chance at something better. Sound familiar?

Web3 is the new New York City, a new frontier full of unknowns, risks, and unsupported optimism.

Those ready to invest their time, money, and future in Web3 today carry the same courage as people of the past who helped shape monumental cities, societal movements, and history.

Our future won’t be built by those who are comfortable and unwilling to take risks. It’ll be shaped by the brave and hungry enough to dive into the unknown.

Web3 Builders

I’m repeatedly impressed by Web3 builders. Not the entitled ones. The ones you can tell are NOT going anywhere no matter how bad things get, the ones that understand what it takes to be successful.

Like New York, Web3 isn’t for dreamers. It’s for the fearless and hardworking. It’s for those willing to fight for themselves in the face of adversity.

Action and sacrifice aren't the exemption. It’s the norm.

Sales are down. You’ve underperformed. FUD is everywhere…

Keep building!

History made New Yorkers rough and durable. Are Web3 builders the same? Time will tell. I think some of us are. Like past builders, explorers, and immigrants, these experiences will calcify our skin and toughen our will.

Crypto winters come and go. Web3 builders stay.

To all my fellow Web3 builders still here: I salute you!

