Sea of Thieves Tall Tales: Heart of Fire — Walkthrough, Journals Locations, Lore & Tips

Merfolk’s Lullaby
7 min readMar 12, 2020

A dark ritual threatens to consume the souls of a proud and noble crew…

Stories of a returning enemy and a dark ritual have begun to spread across the Sea of Thieves, and a pirate crew have recently gone missing.

Travel to Morrow’s Peak Outpost and speak with Tallulah in the Charred Parrot. The journal in her possession may be the key to learning more…

Tale Walkthrough

1. The Liar’s Hideout

Set sail to Liar’s Backbone to discover Stitcher Jim’s Hideout. The entrance is hidden in the middle of the island, use the lever hidden in the ivy to open it.

To solve the puzzle, start by reading what Jim wrote below each rune engraved in the hideout. The password is the name of the person he worships. Transcribe it with the skeleton runes on the blocks and use the lever.



Pick up Stitcher’s Notes and the Mysterious Key inside the wooden heart and go back to your ship.

2. The three paths

Stitcher Jim’s notes reveal that Flameheart’s Lair is located on the Devil’s Thirst. Once there, you need to go to the highest peak and light the chalice. It will light the way to the entrance hidden below the waves.

Take a deep breath, use your Mysterious Key to open it and swim inside the heart of fire.

Venture into these underwater tunnels until you reach the catacombs chamber with three doors. Each door corresponds to a different path with its own challenges to overcome, but in the end they will take you all to the same place. You can choose a different path every time you redo this Tale if you want to complete the commendations.

Each door has a Rune symbol on it and is connected to a skull. To open a door you need to light its corresponding skull by throwing a firebomb at it.

  • The path of the Eternal King (left path — blue)
  • The path of the Forsaken Flame (central path — green)
  • The path of the Burning Heart (right path — orange)

Reach the end of a path to unlock its commendation. You can’t complete the three paths in one run, you’ll need to do the tale again.

3. The Fire Rises

You will arrive in a lava chamber where the Ashen Dragon rests. You have to make your way to Stitcher Jim. This one will escape into a secret room. Pick up his Chest of Rage he left and keep going.

4. Heart of Fire

Escape from the Heart of Fire by overcoming the last traps. Give the chest to Pendragon who is on the shores in front of the exit tunnel.

The Ashen Dragon Journals

💡 Tip: You need to have an active quest with the Tale to see its dedicated lore journals in the world.

We Need A New Plan!

Liar’s Backbone — On a wooden shelf in the hideout.

If my hands were large enough, I’d wring Duke’s neck! What does he think he’s doing, paying pirates to steal back the things I stole?! For now, though, I’ve got to cosy up to him and help him flog his junk crates. Make him think I’ve turned over a new leaf. As if! I mean, maybe he lost the Dark Relics we needed to resurrect you-know-who, but there’s more than one way to pluck a parrot. Once I’ve finished here I’ll head to the wreck of the Blackwyche and scrounge around for a few ‘leftovers’. Even a lock of hair’ll do… Word is, its Captain can’t resist playing the hero with that magic sword of his. That means I’ve just got to point him to the right place.

Disorder of Souls

Devil’s Thirst catacombs — In the catacombs chamber, near the central door.

Pendragn only went and ruddy did it! We all saw Flameheart, larger than life, letting the whole Sea of Thieves know that he’s back! Next thing I know, I’m sailing out so that I can swear my allegiance to him. Sorry, Rathbone, but Stitcher Jim’s got a new master now… Being here in the Devil’s Roar puts me dangerously close to Cap’n Sorrow, but so what? She’ll get here soon enough. The master’s plan will birth the first of his new Ashen Lords, and there’ll be more where that came from! All loyal to him — to US! Everyone who ever did wrong by Stitcher Jim — Sorrow, the Bilge Rats, the Order of Souls — is about to be sorry. Very sorry indeed…

A Chest of Rage…

Devil’s Thirst catacombs — Path of the Eternal King (left/blue), past the first flame capstan, near a pile of skulls in the lava pool path.

I’ve been around a long time, but I’ve never seen a box like this one. I dunno where my beloved dug it up from, but it stinks like a crypt. I’m actually pretty nervous. Messing around with curses is all well and good if you’re the Order of Souls, but it makes my teeth itch. What can I do, though? Master needs souls to summon his Ashen Lord, and if I want to stay in his good books, I’m the man to find ‘em. Sounds simple, but it ain’t, ‘cos to trap a soul in the chest I first need something that belongs to ‘em, not to mention more of them Dark Relics. Lucky for me, that trip I took to the Blackwyche has already given me everything I need…

Bye Bye , Blackwyche

Devil’s Thirst catacombs— Path of the Forsaken Flame (central/green), room after the first skeleton battle near a pile of skulls.

Now I understand why they call it a ‘Chest of Rage’. I can hear the souls inside and they ain’t stopped yelling and screaming, not once. I says to ’em, it’s nothing personal, just that I already had their belongings lying around from that Pendragon business. Dunn was the easiest to find, snoring his head off at a sea post with a splashtail in one hand and in the other. He didn’t even wake up! Cavendish was next. Her Dad was the one whose soul got trapped on the Blackwyche back in the day, so bad luck must run in the family. Rodriguez put up a fight and nearly stuck me. Too bad I’d already slipped something into her grog. Well, she doesn’t need a stomach no more…

The devil I know…

Devil’s Thirst catacombs — Path of the Burning Heart (right/orange), at the spike traps path, in the second alcove.

I am run proper ragged! It’s so hot down here I can’t hardly breathe, but guess who’s got to make sure all the traps are working? I don’t dare complain though. Rathbone could be scary but most of the time it was like you weren’t in the room. Only his gold mattered. When the master speaks, it’s like he knows what you’re thinking. He’s smart. Scary smart, and he believes Pendragon will try to stop the ritual. Well, let him try, I say! No matter how many pirate pals he brings along, they’ll never make it through to me in time. Speaking of time… I should head t the Ritual Chamber. All my hard work’s finally about to pay off! Finally, Stitcher Jim gets what he deserves.

Skeleton Runes


The almighty flames will rise. The ritual shall be performed in King Flameheart’s Lair.


The Ritual is ready, the Blackwyche Crew are sealed. King Flameheart’s wishes will be served!


I serve my King, Flameheart! All Hail Captain Flameheart!


Our preparations are complete, the Ashen Lords will rise! King Flameheart’s army shall return.


You returned me from darkness. Wanda, my heart is yours; I will never leave your side.


The Gold Hoarder has been slain. I now serve a new master; King Flameheart!


  • Ashen Dragon Hull
  • Ashen Dragon Curse

Xbox Achievements

Heart of Fire (10G)

Complete ‘The Heart of Fire’ Tall Tale.

The Blackwyche Reborn (30G)

Receive all Commendations for the ‘The Heart of Fire’ Tall Tale.



Merfolk’s Lullaby

🏴‍☠️ Sea of Thieves Boatswain 🧜‍♀️ Kingpin of the Merfolk’s Lullaby 🙅‍♂️ Xbox Ambassador