Sea of Thieves Tall Tales: Shores of Gold — #8 Revenge of the Morningstar

Merfolk’s Lullaby
7 min readMay 1, 2019

A ship whose crew were cursed by a Skeleton Lord. Does its wreck hold clues to the Shores of Gold?

The Morningstar’s crew were cursed by a vicious Skeleton Lord named Graymarrow. It seems that Sandra the Shipwright holds the truth about that fateful encounter.

Sandra works at Dagger Tooth Outpost and knows the location of the Morningstar. The ship’s log she has salvaged may point to the final part of the Shroudbreaker.

Tale #8 Walkthrough

1. One of Slate’s Crew

The Morningstar, Captain Slate’s ship, sank South of Boulder Cay. 3 ship logs are hidden in the wreck. Find them to continue the tale.

💡 Tip: If you can’t find them, take a little distance to see the glow.

Once you have found them, swim back to the South West of the island and dig the chest between the palm tree and the rock.

Open it and collect the Morningstar Crew Outfit.

You can head to Sanctuary Outpost and talk to Tracy with the Morningstar uniform on you to discover the next clues (the dialogues are transcripted below the Walkthrough).

The Morningstar’s uniform is composed with: the hair, beard, eye-patch, hat, jacket or dress, gloves and belt.

2. Skull of an Old Foe

Head to Cannon Cove and search the island to find Captain Gripper. Once defeated, he will drop Graymarrow’s Orders.

Cannon Cove — Graymarrow’s Orders

Captain Skull
From Cave Walk Rising Sun When Sun
Hits Face Setting Sun Walk Kraken Rock
Face Beach Walk Camp Face North Star
Walk Seven Dig

💡 Tip: From the Fire Camp on the beach in the cove, walk seven paces and dig the Skull of Captain Douglas.

🔴 The riddle you have could be different from this one.

3. The Forsaken Chalice

Head to Sunken Grove and search the island to find Captain Shaw. Once defeated, he will drop Graymarrow’s Orders.

Sunken Grove — Graymarrow’s Orders

Chalice Resurrection
From Kraken Skull Face South West
Walk When Camp Face Rising Sun
Walk When Rock Face Setting Sun
Walk Seven Dig

💡 Tip: From the Fire Camp on the South West beach, face East and walk to the little rock. Then, face West, walk seven paces and dig the Chalice of Resurrection.

🔴 The riddle you have could be different from this one.

4. An Avenged Crew

To find the location where you have to resurrect Graymarrow, find in the left pages of your two Graymarrow’s Orders the following texts:

  • ‘??’ Shall be my resting spot […] : where ?? is the letter of the coordinates.
  • […] I shall take my rest at ‘??’ : where ?? is the number of the coordinates.

Depending on the coordinates you have, find the altar and place the Skull and the Chalice on it to resurrect the Skeleton Lord Graymarrow.

  • F12 — Wanderers Refuge: South of the island.
  • H6 — Lone Cove: North West in the graveyard in the center of the island.
  • O11 — Crooked Masts: under the bridge, between the two Peaks.
  • Q3 — Marauder’s Arch: in a wooden structure on the Fort of the island on the East side.
  • R12 — Kraken’s Fall: Near the camp on the east side of the island.

Once defeated, Graymarrow will drop the Shroudbreaker Stone.

5. Complete The Revenge of the Morningstar

Return the Shroudbreaker Stone to Sandra.

The Morningstar Rises



You know who I am?

Ha, well the uniform’s a bit of a giveaway. Eli always did like his crew dressed up smartly. Your ship’s famous in these parts. One of the first to reach the Sea of Thieves, wasn’t she? It’s a proud history. Of course, a famous pirate is always going to attract trouble. Some skellies actually came looking for you! It’s lucky Duke was here! He saw them off with the business end of a blunderbuss before they could start any trouble.

Captain Slate sends his regards.

And his coin! Don’t worry, I’ve been asking all about Graymarrow and his skellies on Eli’s behalf. Rumour has it, they’re after a gorgeous crystal skull buried out on an island somewhere. I don’t know what they plan to do with it, but if you want to find Graymarrow, I’d start by trcking down his gang. I have it on good authority they’re digging out at Cannon Cove, and people know better than to lie to me!

Where can I find Jaspar?

Oh, Jaspar… what a silly little man. Yes, he was the one who ratted out you and your crew to Graymarrow. We don’t take kindly to that sort of thing around here, so a bunch of pirates ‘persuaded’ him to leave the outpost. I wouldn’t waste your time searching for him, though. He’ll have gone to ground now that the damage is done! If you ask me, the only way to sort this mess out is to stop Graymarrow once and for all. Tyler in the Trinket shop can give you more info on that… if you can decipher what he’s saying.


You recognise the uniform?

Of course! I’ve got a memory like a steel trap, I have. You’re from that gancy galleon, the Moorhen! Or was it the Maverick? No, the Morningstar! Slip of the tongue. No-one else dresses so finely. I thought I was expecting you earlier, but you’re here now and that’s hat matters. I had heard you’d run into some trouble out there… Or am I thinking of somebody else?

I’m here to collect what we paid for.

Oh yes! And a very handsome sum it was too. I wrote down everything I learned for you, all official like. Er… I just seem to have misplaced my notebook. Not to worry, though, it’s all safely lodged in my noggin. You wanted to know about Commander Claysparrow, right? That the fellow? His thugs are after some old mug, apparently. Not sure why they’re so thirsty, but they’re still poking around Sinking Cove. That’s the place, or my name’s not Taylor! Er. Tyler.

Eli Slate’s Journals

Assessing the Enemy

Boulder Cay — West side of the island, in a crate on a barrel.

“Know your enemy.” — Sun-Tzu, “The Art of War”.
Who is Graymarrow, the wretch that pursues us endlessly in our quest for the Shroudbreaker? Long ago, I crossed paths with a gaunt and pitiles fellow whose crew may as well have been his slaves. Can this be the same man, fallen victim to a curse that has hardened what little heart he once possessed? A man, at the George and Kraken tavern claims that he can tell me more…

Accepting the Impossible

Sanctuary Outpost — Behind the crates in a corner inside the tavern.

It seems that my suspicions were correct. The Skeleton Lord who now pursues us is a bitter rival from my past. I have met Gold Hoarders with skin like midas’ own, and they claim it to be a consequence of handling cursed coin. Can a healthy, flesh and blood man really be transformed, in such a fashion as to command legions of the undead? On this strange, unknowable Sea of Thieves, it sometimes seems as though anything is possible. I shall consider the matter further as we make for Cannon Cove.

On the Nature of Curses

Cannon Cove — On a stool behind two barrels and an ammo box on the highest south cliff.

There are whispers, low and fearful, that Graymarrow has begun to wield some fell powers of his own. To whit, he has found a way to ‘maroon’ — for want of another term — the spirits of those he bests in battle. Souls imprisoned by such a curse can never find their way to the Ferry of the Damned, and remain lost. We sail at top speed to Sunken Grove, out in the Wilds. I am taking night watch. I doubt that I could sleep tonight…

An Endless Pursuit

Sunken Grove — On the Northeast islet next to a lantern.

The more I learn about Graymarrow, the more certain I am that we must recover and reunite the Shroudbreaker’s pieces. At this point, escaping into the Shroud may be our only means of escaping him. We need rest. He requires none. Fontaine believes we should surrender the one Shroudbreaker fragment we do possess, and plead for clemency. I, however, fear it is far too late. This chase has become a matter of pride for Graymarrow, and he wishes us gone for good. A confrontation seems inevitable, yet still we flee, speeding to Marauder’s Arch as our last supplies run dry…

Too Little, Too Late…

Marauder’s Arch — On a barrel high up near the western cannon.

He has a weakness! At last, here at Marauder’s Arch, I was able to seize orders scrawled by Graymarrow himself. By his own hand, I have learned that even Graymarrow must sometimes rest his wicked bones below the soil. If he could be taken by surprise, it might be possible to defeat him… but our food is gone. Our cannons empty. Instead, we must limp back to Boulder Cay, beach our vessel in the shallows there and make our final stand together. My crew are terrified, we but sail on. I could not be more proud, and can only hope that one day we shall be avenged.


  • Morningstar Hull
  • Morningstar Figurehead

Xbox Achievements

Revenge of the Morningstar (10G)

Complete ‘Revenge of the Morningstar’ Tall Tale.

The Morningstar Rises (30G)

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Merfolk’s Lullaby

🏴‍☠️ Sea of Thieves Boatswain 🧜‍♀️ Kingpin of the Merfolk’s Lullaby 🙅‍♂️ Xbox Ambassador