Sea of Thieves Tall Tales: Shores of Gold — #7 The Fate of the Morningstar

Merfolk’s Lullaby
7 min readMay 1, 2019

The Ferryman’s tome describes lost souls. Their sad fates are somehow tied to the Shroudbreaker…

One fragment of the Shroudbreaker remains unclaimed. Now, you have received a summons from none other than the enigmatic Ferryman, whose origins lie shrouded in mystery.

The Ferryman guides deceased pirates back to the living world. Steel your heart, for there is only one way to reach him on the Ferry of the Damned.

Tale #7 Walkthrough

1. Treasure of the Damned

Depending of the first page you have, head to the correct island:

  • Kraken’s Fall: dig at the highest peak of the island near a tree.
  • Marauder’s Arch: dig at the highest peak of the island near a tree.

Open the Ferryman’s sarcophagus and collect his Greatest Treasure on his remains.

2. Fate of Fontaine, Eli Slate and Dinger

Head to Old Faithful Isle South beach to find on its left side a ghostly rowboat with three chests in it when you hold your new lantern. Following the steps of the pirates will guide you to the location where to free their souls.

For each pirate’s fate, the skeletons split up: one to bury the chest with the soul in it and one with the key to open it.


  • Chest: North West beach.
  • Key: Highest peak of the island, position the cannon like the ghost one and shoot yourself out to find the key.

Eli Slate:

  • Chest: North East, follow the ghostly map where he died.
  • Key: North East, underwater, threw off by a skeleton from the wooden structure.


  • Chest: North, in the middle of several trees.
  • Key: West, in a cage that needs to be lowered with a lever.

Open each chest and set them free.

3. Complete The Fate of the Morningstar

Return on the Ferry of the Damned to discover the Morningstar’s crew and talk to the Ferryman.

The Unbroken Bond

The Morningstar’s crew dialogues

At the end, on the Ferry of the Damned, you can talk to the souls from the Morningstar’s crew you just freed:


You were on the Morningstar?

Course I was! Captain Slate was only happy too happy to bring me aboard. “Dinger,” he said, “I’ll happily have you on my crew, because then I can order you to stop talking once in a while.” For some reason he thinks I’m a bit of chatterbox. Mind you, he’s not the first person to say that sort of thing. My old Mum, she used to say… Well, uh, maybe I’ll save that story for later.

What was your job, Dinger?

Oh, I was the quatermaster on the Morningstar. Which is just another way saying dogsbody, if I’m being honest. Captain Slate was always very clear that each of us should have a job to do. He reckoned it made us more efficient. The best bit was haggling at outposts. I could always get a good deal! I just had to keep talking ’til their eyes glazed over.

What happened to your ship?

Ugh, I’d rather not talk about it. It’s all a bit too fresh, if you know what I mean. If I ever head back to the land of the living, I’ll tell you the full story over a grog. Or better yet, lots of grogs! Since I’ve been dead for so long, maybe Tina will have wiped my tab clean… Well, a man can dream!

Eli Slate

What’s your story, captain?

Oh, I’m an old salt. Came here back when the Sea of Thieves was still largely unexplored. I’ve sailed with a few different crews over the years, but always as captain of the Morningstar. We had a few scrapes in our time, of course. She was nearly scuttled that time a kraken attacked Golden Sands. It broke my heart to scuttle her, but I believe we had no other choice.

You were a crew of three?

Only at the end. Young Jill jumped overboard shortly before our pursuer caught up to us. I was furious with her, of course, but soon came to realise that her fear probably saved her life. I’m sure that she had to go to ground to keep herself safe… I hope she’s safe out there, somewhere.

Will you return home?

Hmm. The world’s moved on while we’ve been marooned. I’m not sure it has a place for me anymore. I still have a few favours to call in… Perhaps ol’ Ramsey can find me a stool at his table. After all this time, I’d say I’m probably overdue for a grog or two! After that… we’ll see what happens next.


Are you a pirate?

I suppose that to a casual observer, it might appear that is my profession — my calling, so to say. Perhaps even my passion. I, however, put it to you that since material wealth is but a human thought construct, how can one truly “steal” anything? If those I meet find themselves intellectually and spiritually enriched by my opinions, have they not, in fact, profited? Already, on your face, I can glimpse a fresh understanding. You are most welcome, my friend.

You were on the Morningstar?

Correct. … In so much as it is possible for us, whose minds are formed by memories of other times and places, to truly ever ‘be’ anywhere.

What will you do now?

I have undergone a profound metaphysical transformation, and must carefully consider its ramifications. In time, I expect to form a greater appreciation of the ways in which the material and intagible combine to create a singular zeitgeist. Also, I shall drink excessively.

Ghost Hunter’s Journals

A Ghost Watch

Old Faithful Isle — Southeast, Cave by white Flag on a rock with candles

I made it, Dad! I know you told me my ratty old sloop couldn’t make it safely through the Wilds, but I’m here in one piece. And that’s good, I mean, this island is one of the most haunted places there is. They definitely don’t need my ghost here, too. I may not be much of a pirate, Dad, and you’ve never been afraid to say so. But tonight I’m going to finally do something right! My hands are shaking so much I can hardly write, but I’ve got to do this. I’m GOING to do this. Definitely not scared and definitely going to do this. Definitely. Right now.

Still no luck

Old Faithful Isle — Northwest, Highest rock/point on the island

This is crazy. I’ve met a dozen pirates who claim this island is haunted. Were all of them just teasing me? Laughing at me? I can’t accept that. I HAVE to meet a ghost! Talk to it, maybe. Find out why they never came back aboard the Ferry of the Damned. I have to know that there’s more, Dad. I have to prove it. I want to know, to make you believe, that someday we’ll get to see Jill again.

The fright of my life

Old Faithful Isle — Southwest, Kraken skull (Head up west from the south beach)

The fog had already rolled in by the time I started hunting. You know how it muffles sound and makes everything strange? Well of course you know, Dad… You know everything. Anyway, my mind started playing tricks on me pretty much straight away. I got turned around, and started climbing, trying to get out the fog… Groping, blindly, hoping I didn’t walk straight off a ledge. That’s when my hand touch it. Polished bone, cold as ice and moist from the fog. I thought I’d be seized by skellies for sure! Lucky for me, the sun broke through just then. It was just a boring old kraken skull, not anything supernatural! Whew.

Hunting by bones

Old Faithful Isle — Southwest, Skull alter top of island

That kraken skull gave me an idea… I decided that if I were a ghost, I’d take notice pretty quickly if someone messed with my remains. I went around the island, gathering up all of the skulls I could find and piling them up. I found some candles, too, which is good. If I do meet an angry ghost, I certainly don’t want to do it in the dark. Also, now I can see to write down more of my adventure. Looks like a storm will be here by dawn. I miss the bed in my room, with all it’s familiar creaks. But I made a promise to myself. So…

Giving up

Old Faithful Isle — South, Near center is a bridge to a tower, it’s at the end of this bridge

I tried every trick I could think of to stay awake, but I nodded off up on this bridge, amongst another group of skeletons. I dreamed there was a man standing over me, stern and smart. He reminded me a bit of that old captain Jill used to idolise… It was like he was trying to say something… and then KABOOM! Lightning strike. I woke up in SUCH a panic! My foot got tangled in some ropes and I started screaming. I tugged as hard as I could… and all of the cages toppled off the bridge. Oops. I’m done. Dawn is here and I didn’t see one single ghost. I’ll leave my books behind in case someone else has better luck. I’m coming home now, Dad. Once again, I’m coming home and Jill isn’t. Sorry.


  • Morningstar Flag
  • Morningstar Sails

Xbox Achievements

The Fate of the Morningstar (10G)

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The Unbroken Bond (30G)

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Merfolk’s Lullaby

🏴‍☠️ Sea of Thieves Boatswain 🧜‍♀️ Kingpin of the Merfolk’s Lullaby 🙅‍♂️ Xbox Ambassador