Sea of Thieves Tall Tales: Shores of Gold — #1 The Shroudbreaker

Merfolk’s Lullaby
5 min readApr 30, 2019

A Mysterious Stranger speaks of an ancient relic with the power to reach a lost island..

A Mysterious Stranger has received word of a vast treasure, once sought by the Pirate Lord himself, which lies hidden beyond the far reaches of the Sea of Thieves.

Locate the Mysterious Stranger in one of the taverns and examine the Pirate Lord’s journal to learn more about the legendary Shores of Gold.

Tale #1 Walkthrough

1. The Lost Voyage

Head to the N13 Uncharted Island and swim underwater on the North West side of the island. You will find the shipwreck of the Pirate Lord’s ship, the Magpie’s Wing. In the Captain’s quarters you will find its Ship’s Log in the centre of the room on the Captain’s chair.

2. Vault of the Ancients

Follow the Magpie’s Wing Ship Log and find the Ancient Chest lost in the sea. The chest can be found on: Chicken Isle, Cutlass Cay, Devil’s Ridge, Fools Lagoon, Lookout Point or Snake Island.

Take the totem inside and discover the Ancient Vault it opens.

Ancient Vault Locations:

  • Boar totem: Devil’s Ridge, Southeast beach.
  • Crab totem: N13 Uncharted Island, swim in the North West underwater cave to get inside of the island, the vault is behind a workbench.
  • Moon totem: Crescent Isle, starting from the little bridge in the middle of the island, walk to the northern cave, the vault is on the right in the corner.
  • Scarab totem: Crook’s Hollow, in the cave near the waterfall and some barrels.
  • Shark totem: Kraken Fall, under the archway of the island at the north.
  • Snake totem: Mermaid’s Hideaway, North West of the island, under the archway.

💡 Tip: Look for paintings similar to the Totem you have, it’s where the vault is located on the island.

Place the totem on top of a flat little rock to open the rocky door.

3. The Key to Adventure

Light up the four braziers on the altar to start the puzzle.

Use the symbols on the last page of your book to complete the 3 sequences on the blocks. Press the button on the altar when you want to complete a sequence.

Then, the picture on the altar show you where to find the Medallions. The white circle gives you the location where to dig. Bring the Medallion to the vault and place it in front of the altar to get the next clue.

Once the 3 Medallions are in the altar, seize the Shroudbreaker Artefact.

4. Complete The Shroudbreaker

Return the Shroudbreaker Artefact to the Mysterious Stranger.

A Sunken Legacy

Mercia’s Journals

1. What is the Devil’s Shroud

N13 Uncharted Island — On the northwest side of the island on the sand.

Finally, a balmy day, and a chance to document my research before it all spills out of my head and overboard. Ramsey has been thinking again, and that usually means I’m the one due for a headache. He called for me late last night… “Mercia. How might we stay safe in the Devil’s Shroud?” I just stared at him. We all know how dangerous that fog is. It surrounds the Sea of Thieves, but it ebbs and flows. Sometimes it swallows whole islands for months or even years at a time. Sail into that mist, and you’ll start to choke. The deck beneath your feet will splinter. The Shroud feasts on ships and sailors alike. Being me, of course I told Ramsey I’d find a way. I’ve left my notes tucked away at Ancient Spire. I’ll see what I can learn.

2. An Ancient Clue?

Ancient Spire Outpost — On top, inside the peak, the book is placed among the candles on the central rock.

Did you ever walk into a room thinking about something so hard, you couldn’t see it right in front of you? The truth is like that, sometimes. While filling my tankard below deck, I happened to glance down at the map table. Ancient Spire. In the Ancient Isles. The truth… I’ve asked to set course for Devil’s Ridge, nearby. If I’m right, the key to breaching the Shroud has been in front of me all along. We like to think of ourselves as being the first to find a way of reaching the Sea of Thieves, but that isn’t the truth. Not one bit…

3. Comings and Goings

Devil’s Ridge — Near the Northern cannon.

The First Ones. The Lost Tribes. The Ancients. Whatever you call them, they lived here, in what we now know as the Sea of Thieves. Signs of their civilisation can be found all over the place, even on islands that were once claimed by the Devil’s Shroud. They built temples, altars — places that were important to them. They couldn’t simply pack up and leave when the fog drew in… I’ll need to cross-reference some of my oldest notes, stashed away back at Thieves’ Haven. Our first hideout! How nostalgic.

4. The Shroud Breaker

Thieves’ Haven — In a crate, in the wooden shelters (Ramsey’s first hideout) inside the island near the waterfall.

It exists! Proof lies in some of the most obscure places (Ramsey won’t let me write down where) but the relic’s real enough. As near as I can tell, they used artefact like a beacon to protect their homes and places of worship from the Shroud’s effects. At other times, it was taken to a vault to recover its powers. When I told Ramsey, he replied “Ah, so it’s a shroud breaker, then!” All of this seems to have inspired him. We’re making for Plunder Outpost on Ramsey’s orders, to see a man about a map…

5. The Shores of Gold?

Plunder Outpost — In the rowboat next to the campfire and in front of the Gold Hoarder tent.

Well. This escalated quickly. Ramsey remembered the drunken ramblings of some old salt who’d sailed too close to the Devil’s Shroud. The old man claimed he’d glimpsed a glittering island… One where the very ground was made of gems and precious metals. It sounds impossible, but as Ramsey likes to say, that’s just another way of describing something we haven’t seen yet. At first light, we’ll be setting out to find that Shroudbreaker. If these Shores of Gold are real, it’s the only way we’ll reach them. I should get to my bunk and try for sleep. From now on, Ramsey’s voyage journal can tell our story…


  • Pirate Lord’s Hat
  • Magpie’s Wing Cannons

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The Shroudbreaker (10G)

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Merfolk’s Lullaby

🏴‍☠️ Sea of Thieves Boatswain 🧜‍♀️ Kingpin of the Merfolk’s Lullaby 🙅‍♂️ Xbox Ambassador