Sea of Thieves Tall Tales: The Seabound Soul — Walkthrough, Journals and Artefacts Locations, Lore & Tips

Merfolk’s Lullaby
6 min readNov 20, 2019

At Shipwreck Bay, a ghostly voice calls out from the remain of the Blackwyche…

The crumbling remains of a once-proud galleon, the Blackwyche, give Shipwreck Bay its name. Now a ghostly voice calls out from the wreckage.

Journey to Shipwreck Bay and seek the Captain’s journal in the heart of the Blackwyche to uncover a secret history of binding and betrayal…

Tale Walkthrough

1. A watery Grave

Head East from Shipwreck Bay and follow the Ghost Ships battling. Dive into the water where the Ashen Dragon sank Captain Martha Jane’s ship. Depending of their headings, it can be one of the following islands: Liar’s Backbone, Shark Tooth Key, Shiver Retreat or The Crooked Masts.

Raise your Enchanted Lantern to reveal Captain Martha Jane’s ship remains. You’ll find her skull on the sea bed. Bring it to Pendragon ashore to free Captain Martha Jane and uncover her memories.

2. A Foiled Ambush

Depending on the picture you have on the memories of Captain Martha Jane, head to the correct island. It can be one of the following: Fetcher’s Rest or Kraken’s Fall.

Once there, the Ashen Dragon should be visible on the horizon. Follow its trail and go ashore on the island where it stopped. It can be one of the following: Cinder Islet, Cursewater Shores, Forsaken Brink or Scorched Pass.

Raise your Enchanted Lantern and follow the footsteps to find Captain Randal Stone. Dig the skull where he died and bring it to Pendragon to free Captain Randal Stone and uncover his memories.

3. Entombed

Depending on the picture you have on the memories of Captain Randal Stone, head to the correct island. It can be one of the following: Brimstone Rock, Molten Sands Fortress, Morrow’s Peak Outpost or Ruby’s Fall.

Once there, the Ashen Dragon should be visible on the horizon. Follow its trail again and go ashore on the island where it stopped. It can be one of the following: Flintlock Peninsula.

Raise your Enchanted Lantern and follow the footsteps to find the lost Captain’s sarcophagus in the secret chamber.

Beware! once you open it and take his skull, on your way back to your ship, Captain Adara and a couple of skeletons will try to kill you. Defeat them and you’ll be free to give to Pendragon the lost Captain skull to free his soul.

Wait… what have you done?!

Fire & Ash

The Ashen Dragon Journals

💡 Tip: You need to have an active quest with the Tale to see its dedicated lore journals in the world.


Shipwreck Bay —Inside the Blackwyche’s Captains Quarters.

Today is the Fated Day. The darkest of hours, on which we of the Ashen Dragon must set sait to fulfil our final duty. I am her Captain. I alone remember the words of flesh-kind, though I am as old as our ship. And yet, on this Fated Day, another commands me. He speaks little, save to explain the Rites. The flames that perpetually wreath our vessel seem to coil around him, as if longing for his touch. It seems our route is preordained, and takes in many past glories. First, we shall sail to Shiver Retreat, blazing a path across the waves. Our precious cargo and its guard are below deck, in their rightful place. All that we are, all we have accomplished… ends today.


Shiver Retreat — Near the big rock, on top of a barrel and leaning against a lantern.

For the first time since our mission began, our Commander issued new orders. I did not dare to question them. Tri-Rock Isle, Cinder Islet, Cursewater Shores. At his instruction,we sailed to each of them in turn, and I went ashore. There, I buried three great treasures from our hold — relics that even our Commander regarded with something approaching fear. I can only hope I have hidden his belongings well enough that they shall remain undisturbed. Even as he is now, I fear his wrath. Now, we resume our charted course, passing Liar’s Backbone as we sail. I hope that this shall be our final diversion.


Liar’s Backbone— Top of the island, leaning against the dead tree.

Wretched pirates! They dared to interrupt our journey and try to scavenge from us! Now we must moor at Scorched Pass and make repairs. Two galleons approached at once, as allies. Clearly they meant to surround us, though the heat of our flames kept them at bay. To my surprise, our Commander stepped forward, moving with a swiftness I did not expect and burning white-hot with righteous fury. So magnificent was he, one ship turned and fled! The other was ripped apart by our cannon fire even as our crew assailed theirs. To punish their insolence, our Commander himself boarded their vessel, using his great power to curse their Captain before hurling her into the hateful sea.


Scorched Pass — East, on a little rock near trees.

It was a risk, but I was right to take it. Our repairs had left us low on supplies, and I could not rule out the possibility of another attack. I do not know how the pirates divined our heading. Perhaps it was mere chance, and yet, when I set foot on land, her Captain was lying in wait. Had I sent my crew, they would likely be lying in pieces, but my bones were forged in fire. In moments, it was he who lay broken at my feet. As before, our Commander bound the fool’s spirit so that he could not return from the Sea of the Damned. He will plague us no longer! The final leg of our journey sees us pass Flintlock Peninsula. Until then, I have much to consider. Once our mission is complete, what will become of us?


Flintlock Peninsula — North side of the Volcano, up high near some barrels and a little torch.

The deed is done. A great door protects the remains, and will keep pirates and other intruders at bay. I have ensured it can only be opened from within. When the last of the Rites had been completed, our Commander bade us set course, deep into the Devil’s Shroud itself. I thought perhaps he meant for its tendrils to destroy the Ashen Dragon as it has so many other ships, but he gave me one last order. Once he had spoken, the Commander burned so fiercely that even the fog seemed afraid, and so a path was cleared. Such is the might of an Ashen Lord! He is naught but dust now, his power expended. As ordered, we will pass through the Shroud and into hiding until we are needed once more. One day, we shall summon us, and the world shall once again know the fury of the Ashen Dragon…

Ashen Artefacts

💡 Tip: You need to have an active quest with the Tale to get the Enchanted Lantern in your inventory. Raise it on the islands to find the place where the Ghost Skeletons hid the artefacts and dig there.

Chalice of the Ashen Curse

Tri-Rock Isle — Centre of the island.

A darkness resides within…

Grail of the Ashen Curse

Cinder Islet—South, near the big rock.

This grail has an unpleasant quality…

Keeper of the Ashen Curse

Cursewater Shores — Northeast, near a rock.

What lies inside this…


  • Pendragon’s Sword of Soul
  • Ashen Dragon Sails

Xbox Achievements

Unto the Horizon (10G)

Complete ‘The Seabound Soul’ Tall Tale.

Fire & Ash (30G)

Receive all Commendations for the ‘The Seabound Soul’ Tall Tale.



Merfolk’s Lullaby

🏴‍☠️ Sea of Thieves Boatswain 🧜‍♀️ Kingpin of the Merfolk’s Lullaby 🙅‍♂️ Xbox Ambassador