Your Idea Will Eventually Die

How taking just two hours focusing in your idea can change your life 

Mohamed Chohan
Startup Chronicles


“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”

You know who you are. You the person with all those great ideas. Good creative business ideas where you found an opening in the market. Ideas that could leave an impact on this world .

The idea sparks. An angelic whisper blows cooly in your ears encouraging you to take the dive. Suddenly from the corner of your mind a laugh is heard. Its a cynical, high pitch and evil laugh. Its your supposed voices of reason and critical self. They high fiving and smiling at each other like a school rugby team who scored a try in the last minute . The school rugby team that lead from the start and the smiles and high fiving are just arrows piercing in the opposing teams heart. It is then you realise that the arrows are piercing your own heart and that you are the opposing team who keeps losing because you do not implement your ideas

The whisperer leaves with a saddened face, knowing full well that the idea is going to wither away and die in time.

Unless …..

Unless you brave up and make the decision

A decision to close your Facebook, to stop looking at Twitter the whole day, to leave being engrossed in the latest news. A decision to leave the notifications and the distractions that only fuel the monsters that are stopping you to implement your dreams. A decision to tap into your fighting spirit, your spirit that has been sleeping for too long. Too long

Then when you strip yourself of everything that takes up your valuable time and you give yourself two hours. Just two hours. Two hours closed of from everything pulling you away from your precious idea. Two hours to pursuit the goals and ambitions of your life. Ones that fill your heart with joy are those that you imagine in the shower, dreaming of how your life will be when these ideas come to life. After the two initial hours the journey has already began. The most difficult part is over.

As you now fly through the air preparing yourself for the eventual impact of difficulties ahead you will begin to prepare yourself. Prepare yourself to make your own luck from now on, to throw away the map that the world has drawn for you. Prepare yourself to draw own own map, to pitch up more than others, to ask more questions, to raise your hand more often and to travel where no one has wished to go.

Finally prepare yourself to celebrate that you took this step. A step that so many are scared to make and wished they had your courage to do the same as you did. Celebrate that and then celebrate every step and milestone of the journey. It all begins with two hours

“Celebrate your success and stand strong when adversity hits, for when the storm clouds come in, the eagles soar while the small birds take cover”

