11.11.2023 Pillars Of Creation Stargate Channeling & Light Encoded Art

Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s
7 min readNov 11, 2023


✨☀️✨ Happy 11.11.2023! ✨☀️✨


The 11-day Stargate 11.11–11.22 is active. Infiniti was guided to create 11.11 Light Encoded Digital Art.

Infiniti was guided to work with Divine Intelligent Technology, then adding various directed and channeled additional components and adjustments with multiple layers of light upon each one. They are at the bottom of this article.

These are multilayered and time-released with encodements to be activated throughout the 11:11 Stargate and beyond.

They are offered as a gift for your ascension The High Council of Light. Infiniti worked on these for multiple hours over the last several nights between 1–4 AM pacific.

You may be guided to donate an energy exchange with her, $11.11 is suggested, but you are not required to do so. Any donations can be made here: https://www.infinite-empath-transfigurations.com

More pieces will be created throughout The Stargate. Please connect to all of them.

We suggest looking at them often, and printing them. You may use them as Oracle cards as well, Dear Ones.

Create your own descriptions as you feel into what they mean for your unique Soul Song.

You are most encouraged to share them with others as well.

🦋 Do not alter them in any way.

This Stargate invites and inspires you to connect and open your Divine self to all that is Divine. This is The Pillars of Creation Stargate.

You are a Pillar of Creation. You are to continue to move forward, shedding what your human Being once needed, and receiving what your Divine Self is in alignment with to expand and evolve. You are a Lightworker, Light Warrior.

This is a team effort In all ways, and through this Stargate we is when The Divine may connect with you, Incarnates and The Divine Pillars of Creation and Warriors of Light.

You all have your work to do, all important, all significant.

Your evolution is your ultimate Life and Soul Mission. It is your priority as an Incarnate to continue to Awaken, heal, clear, and connect.

If you are reading this you are encoded with the 144: Divine Ascended Encodement. This may offer validation, or activation.

The 144 is the activation to release your human aspect from The Material Matrix, and connect to GAIA’s Abundance Matrix. This Is an 8–9 encodement.

Activating your Abundance body as well as your Lightworker Body. Your Lightworker Body is multi connected to your Spiritual and Energetic Bodies.

These pieces are activations for downloads and integrations. By gazing upon the images, you will be activating on a conscious level what is being pulled into GAIA, through The Abundance Matrix, and into you.

They never expire and can be used throughout your journey.

We encourage you to watch and listen to our channeling message from yesterday that is available through Infiniti’s page: Infiniti: Empath Healing & Spiritual Guidance.

Thank you for being The Warriors Of Light that you are. Please know that more than anything, what we send to you is LOVE.

If you are open to loving yourself and your Brother’s and Sister’s with sensitivity and compassion, patience and understanding, you will continue to circulate the energy for the ascension of humanity as a whole. But it begins with you.

See above anything that pulls you way from each other and The Divine. Be aware of the push from The Dark Side to manipulate you into destructive behavior for yourself and others.

Be aware of many triggers that can lead you to confusion and strife through allowing emotions to cloud your higher level judgment.

The clues would be if they are built on the basic human needs, health, food, clothing and shelter, aggression or danger towards family, and money.

During any Stargate you are being challenged to chose your highest possible timelines, with this, your frequency updates and rises, ensuring that you will not pass any level of consciousness or vibration (magic and upgraded abilities) that you are not ready to be responsible for.

Experiences and the emotions that rise from them offer choices that you make instantaneously or slowly and mindfully.

Of course, some choices cannot be anything but instantaneous, this is why it is important to be aware of the overall theme and consciously decide to be tempered and not make emotional decisions or demands upon you, others or the universe.

Do not cause unnecessary stress and lower the vibration around you because you are feeling uncomfortable or pushed to make sudden choices, especially if the circumstances and emotions are a sudden deep from your usual station.

You are being tested in your stability within your outer and interpersonal relationships.

Every choice creates a timeline and the ultimate path you are traveling at any given time.

Through any Stargate this is true, and conscious or not, you have experienced this each month leading you here, now.

This is the last Stargate of the year that offers you the opportunity to system upgrade exponentially, as the 12.12–12.22 will be integrating your establishment Light Body with the incoming set of timelines and Stargate’s for 2024.

All year has lead up to this, and we know for each of you it has been a year of great change and dramatic events.

We know it has been challenging and tiring and we offer you our suport and guidance and deep love and affection, our dear Light Warriors.

So much is being upgraded for you now, your hard work, and perseverance, faith and trust that you are never lead into territory that you cannot navigate.

We are always with you, and we hope that this and every Stargate connects us deeper and clearer.

We love you, and thank you for being exactly where you are.

“I am grateful for every step of my journey, I am open to my Divinity, and all that is Divine.

I set aside my ideas, stories, illusions, fears, judgements for myself and others so I may receive The Truth with my open heart.

I am a Pillar Of Creation, and I will create every moment through Love.

I am love, I am magical and abundant. I receive all that is meant for me.

I co-create with my Mother Earth GAIA, my Guides & Guardians, and my Soul.

I AM a fractal of Mother-Father God, the embodied magic of The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine, rising in my Divinity.”

So be it and so it is.

Gratitude & Love, The High Council of Light.


🦋 Please share as guided.

About Infiniti


I am Infiniti, a Divine Angelic Incarnate.

As a channel and vessel for Mother-Father God, Mother Earth GAIA, The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer, Galactics, and Spirit Animals, together, we, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth.

Our priority is to remind you of how spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you are.

I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you that find me again through this multidimensional, magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.

We are SOUL FAMILY — Empaths, Lightworkers, Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.

My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with those of you who are ready to EVOLVE.

Read all about me, my magical & miraculous story of healing, and how I can help you on your journey of healing and ascension at Infinite Empath Transfigurations.com.

If you visit my website, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my website to receive emails on the latest channeled messages, energy updates, events and new offerings.

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Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger. https://infiniteempathtransfigurations.com