Virgo, Earth, Eagle, Number 8, Amethyst & 13: The Death Card

2.1.2021-Today’s Energy Update & Spiritual Guidance

Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s
7 min readFeb 1, 2021


Instagram Post By infiniti for 2.1.2021

Happy February Lovely Soul!

Today marks the beginning of the rest of our lives! Deep breath, we have a brand new month and set of timelines ready for us to activate.

Do you feel the shift in energies?

It’s like taking a breath is easier with the first month of 2021 over, and the first layer of foundation has started to form for our year.

Getting things straight is the priority right now. Balance and direction, priorities and self-care is at the top of the list for February 2021.

This is my new daily offering, tapping into the messages and energies from various symbols and sources, as always with my messages — guided by The High Council comprised of Archangels, GAIA & other Ascended Planetary Representatives from other Star Systems, Ascended Masters, Galactics, Fae, Animal Spirits and The Dragons.

TODAY’S ENERGIES: Virgo-Earth-Eagle-8-Amethyst-13, The Death Card

Astrology-Today marks Venus in Aquarius…Creativity, transformation, revelations and inspiration with the overtones of affection, love, wealth & now meets with Mercury Retrograde as of 1.30, bringing up remembrances of past unfinished business. Possible negative charges still active on some level of your being — needing to be released.

Don’t push these points in time back down into the shadows, shed light on what’s coming up and remove it from the darkness, acknowledge the pain and whatever it was that left you with negative charge helps you to release it.

MOON IN VIRGO-Virgo, a Mutable Earth sign. Transformation in regards to work and finances are in the surface today. You’re motivated and inspired to tackle projects and clear clutter from your schedule so you can prioritize.

Connecting to your higher self, and vice versa is easier now than ever and your natural abilities are heightened, asking you to not shy away from, but lean into your evolution and discovery of who & what you are. Your purpose and the imposed duties upon you from outside sources needs to be assessed for alignment-without delay.

Infinite Eagle, Pencil Artwork By infiniti

EAGLE SPIRIT-Ultra focused, dynamic, fierce, capable and determined. The eagle is the perfect spirit animal to carry us into February 2021.

This spirit animal always knows where it’s going and what it’s doing and that would be hunting.

This energy crosses over to us to help us focus on what we need to feed our souls.

He’s helping us to let distractions go, and he gives us the boost in energy to focus on number one.

NUMBER 8-Balance, purpose, ambition, unity, helping, giving back, gratitude, revelations and spiritual growth.

8 reminds us to stay optimistic, abundance and achievement is on the way, balance is the key to a steady walk across the tightrope, and sometimes this life feels just like that.

8 impresses the infinite nature of our Soul and our connections to our Guardian Angels, and entire Spirit Tribe.

8 encourages us to reach out to our Divine. Counterparts. Talk to them, ask for guidance, help, motivation and how to get physically, emotionally and energetically healthy.

8 is about new beginnings and creating from our Soul, passions from deep inside will begin to rise when 8 is in play.

Photo by Gabby Conde on Unsplash

Amethyst-Birthstone for Aquarius

The wonder of the deepest of purples to the lightest, mixed with clear quartz is the most potent, according to Merlin. And he should know, since it’s his favorite.

The power of the clear amplifying the Amethyst is why it’s so potent in its energy.

Amethyst is also at the top of my favorites list, and it’s in abundance in these parts and especially since I’ve been connected with Merlin!

Transmuting negative energy to positive, this magical crystal is what any alchemist needs to manifest clearly and with the right charge of positivity.

It’s healing, purifying and protective, take it in with you for healing and meditation to help clear your field and transmute density around and within you.

Amethyst helps to amplify Divine vibrations and is the crystal Merlin uses with my clients in our healings and guided meditations.

Combine it with Citrine for a powerful punch of positive energy and clear knowing.

Yes, you have permission to get even more, bigger Amethyst in your life!

13 THE DEATH CARD-Inevitable change is taking place on a spiritual level. Maybe your outer would, will be in alignment with this, but it could just be what’s going on inside.

The grim reaper is actually your guardian Angel, guiding you through a conclusion and into a new beginning.

Your resistance only makes the transition more uncomfortable.

You cannot be the caterpillar AND the butterfly.

It’s time to leave the comforts of your cocoon and fly into the new world you’ve been creating and is ready for you.

Fearing DEATH doesn’t make life any easier, so is the same for fearing the unknown in your evolution.

The next phase is here. Dive in head first.

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Messages from our Guides for 2.1.2021

As we enter February, and one day removed from the 2.2.2021–2.12.2021 Stargate, we are being asked to release the blocks and fears that get in the way of our abundance, love and spiritual connections.

Paying close attention to the number, also the configuration of the numbers for today,

Double 21 with a 2 in the center, 21221=8

Mirrored numbers, 21–2–21= 3–11–3

3-Guidance by our Ascended Masters, being guided with Light & Love to remember our 11-Soul/Pillars of Creation position as an Incarnate, Lightworker. For those matching in frequency, Soul Family connections are being activated at this time through Light Codes coming in to us from The 3; GAIA, The Sun and our personal crystals.

Activating Light Codes-We’re being asked to have faith that everything we’ve put our positive energy and effort into is energizing our highest possible timelines.

We’re being asked to have patience on the process, to remember that a day, a week, a month and even a year is nothing in the grand scheme of things, and to play our part without forcing an outcome means to release our expectations of time.

Know that things come to us, as well as leave us at the moment it is meant to, and not a moment before.

There’s no solution for time, we can wish for things to move faster than they are meant to evolve-but wouldn’t the structure of the timelines all connected to that branch be that much more delicate? Yes…

We are being asked to be in the now, know that abundance and love is coming and to accept it like the gift that it is, without needing to spoil the surprise ahead of time.

Knowing its coming is what’s important, knowing exactly how or when isn’t.

Just as the rain knows how to fall, so will the timelines to your manifestations.

~Your Spirit Guides


Required: An Amethyst, 888bz music (YouTube Search). If so guided, create a crystal grid around you of any crystals you are guided to.

Sit in silence with the frequency of 888hz playing for about 5 minutes concentrating on the crystal and your energy body and centers.

Feel into your body from head, heart, hands and feet. Open up all energy centers including your hands and feet chakras.

Hold your Amethyst and concentrate on your 3rd eye and connecting with the energies of the crystal.

Open up to the visions of this integration. Each crystal will send different visions to each of you.

Tune in with your Angelics and ask them to amplify the crystal in your hands, imagine opening up a vault in your consciousness that requires the access codes to delete old programming.

Download the new Abundance Matrix & Freedom Encodements directly into your 3rd eye, and send the information to each energy center; 3rd Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral & Root, distribute throughout your body through your neurological system.

Sit for at least 10 minutes once complete.

Thank your crystal and your Guides & Guardians.

Happy 1st of February, Lovely Soul-I truly hope it’s magical for you. Please post any questions in the comments!

Thank you for reading today’s messages — see you tomorrow!

Photo of Infiniti

About Infiniti

I am Infiniti, Incarnate for The Divine Archangel Gabriel, as such, I am a Channel and Vessel for Mother Earth GAIA, all The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer, Galactics, and Spirit Animals.

Together, we, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth of how spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you are.

As your Real-Deal “Faerie Godmother”, I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you that find me again through this multidimensional, magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.

We are SOUL FAMILY — Empaths, Lightworkers, Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.

My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with those of you who are ready to EVOLVE.

Read all about me, my magical & miraculous story of healing, and what I have to offer at My Faerie Godmother.org.

The Healing Butterfly.org an open treasure chest of FREE informational resources, including free e-books, and my art.

Social Media : VERO @ Infiniti_963



Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger. https://infiniteempathtransfigurations.com