Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s
5 min readMay 21, 2024


🩷 GAIA’s Abundance Matrix is now processing heart expanding energies through the upper crystalline matrix, she is showing me Rose Quartz, specifically.

Gather your Rose Quartz crystals. Touch and connect to them. Feel the love energy, “the heart of me is the heart of you.” GAIA says.

Allow Rose Quartz to sooth and comfort you. Connect to GAIA through Rose Quartz, hold one or create a grid with Clear Quartz.

Allow yourself to be intuitively lead in your own Divine way, and by consciously connecting with GAIA.

☀️ The May Stargate, 5.5–5.15, and all of the Light Codes that came through created shifts in perspective and perception for countless people who were already Spiritually Awakening, and for many who were still asleep; it created their catalyst moments of Spiritual Awakening, and they have been processing this shift in their reality.

These changes in awareness and understanding altered the timelines, as they are meant to. The restructuring of the entire timeline web of The Collective is at the HEART EXPANDING stage now.

This is a necessary function to be able to release old, limiting fear programs, and allow for higher frequency timelines.

In order to do this, we need to expand our heart center and tap into The Truth of what is real, what is bigger than the Material Matrix of fear-programming that causes us to drop down into lower level frequencies such as anger, judgment, resentment, shame, guilt, and violence, that allows the Dark Side parasites to manipulate our reality.

In order to help yourself, and The Collective, those transitioning to Awakening, and those still asleep, we ask you to focus and be heart centered.

Be in LOVE, love for yourself and your glorious body, love for your mother who brought you into this world, regardless of your complicated relationship, love for your father, regardless of your complicated relationship, whether you knew them or not, whether they loved and supported you, or abused and abandoned you.

You are made from them. They are part of you. Just as all your family and ancestors are. When you allow love to flow through you to them, wherever they may be, you are helping yourself and The Collective dissolve Material Matrix programs of the fractured family construct.

Imagine them as children, imagine yourself as a child. Play with them. See them laughing and free as a child can be, before anything altered their true and Divine essence. Before anything altered yours.

Run, play, dance and sing with your parents when they were children. See them innocent, beautiful, Divine.

This will stir emotions and we encourage you to release these emotions. Allow yourself to cry, to feel a love and compassion for yourself and for your parents that you may never have before.

This release will help restructure your frequency from the base, and from the beginning.

This will allow for your heart to expand and heal. Of course, not all at once, but more and more as your heart center releases sensory, and the paradigm shifts.

Please notice how we are not directing you to forgive your parents. There, in the magical space of Divine Play with your child parents, there is nothing to forgive. Only love exists here.

Allow that Truth to blossom and hold you in a love embrace. Allow the love to expand through you.

✨💕✨Use the matrix of Rose Quartz energies to connect you to the infinite well of love that Mother GAIA is charging now, sending the frequency of Divine, magical LOVE to you, and allow your heart to pour into this ocean of LOVE, to extend your LIGHT into the whole, to be part of the new cycle of LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS that is all about establishing a new foundation for humanity, a restructuring of the false separation-based foundation that The Material Matrix is built upon.

We ask that you do this again, and again, and again.

We ask that you are patient with yourself, with everyone around you. Please understand that we are at the beginning stages of a massive shift in consciousness for humanity as a whole.

We ask that you ground into the reality that this shift is going to take a long time to completely manifest. Longer than this lifetime, longer than 2,3,4 more incarnations.

You, Dear One are here, now, at this time of very beginning of The Great Awakening, when each turn or the dial of change takes a lot of energy, clear intention, and dedication to yourself first and foremost.

This great change for humanity is not a possibility, it is an inevitability.

However, understanding that it will take generations, beginning now, to create a reality upon GAIA that is unrecognizable to the reality you have today.

Patience, diligence, dedication, determination and of course, LOVE are the driving forces that are required from each of you.

It begins in THE HEART CENTER.

Rejecting fear, embracing love and believing in this great process that you will not see the end results of, not on the grand scale.

Know that if you are here now, you will continue to be part of this grand shift, and at one point in the future, there will be a time when you incarnate and you will live upon GAIA when The Dark Side and all its parasites and control are gone.

The Spiritual War long passed. Humanity coexisting as one family, violence, fear and control and harvesting of Light Bodies and their Divine Energies, are no longer a part of reality.

When The Divine Feminine & The Divine Masculine are in perfect harmony and balance in all humans.

The work you do to ascend in this lifetime, and how you work together in this lifetime to lift the frequency of reality, will bring the future LIGHT BASED timelines into being.

LIVE & LOVE to your fullest capacity today, tomorrow, and all of your precious days, and know it creates the heavenly tomorrow you can already feel exists, because it does.

Remember that we love and support you, we are with you always, forever, eternally, infinitely.

We thank you for receiving our messages, for going through such intense and emotionally draining, physically challenging shifts for the purpose of evolving into what you have always been, and are becoming.

End transmission.


It is my pleasure and blessing to bring you these messages.

With Love,



#schumannresonance #heartopening #rosequartz #theabundancematrix #channeling #energyupdate #paradigmshift #hearthealing #parentalwounds #motherwound #fatherwound #ancestors #gaia #love 🧚🏻‍♂️



Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger. https://infiniteempathtransfigurations.com