Channeling Jesus: My Real Story, My Real Name & The 13:31 Great Awakening

Channeling Him on 12.25.2022 & 12.26.2022

Infiniti 🦋
22 min readDec 26, 2022


Photo by Fabrice Nerfin on Unsplash

The Truth For Christmas

He came through late on Christmas Eve. It’s time for a channeling message for Christmas.

It’s been a while. I used to channel for Jesus all the time a few years ago — but we had big shifts, things moving in different directions — His presence moving back into the corner.

The vision I get of him often: He is observing, writing, journaling, taking notes, paying attention in the corner of a room while the chaos and busy of life ensues. He waits for us to call Him. To want his brand of guidance. At least that is His general station. That’s how He was in life. And yes, I remember knowing Him.

He radiated peace and patience and would love to be quiet. It is necessary after all to receive to be quiet, to be still to be in solitude. So, He was in that state quite often. Of course, this is not to imply that He couldn’t give long (very long) lectures. Below would be one of them. It’s possibly on the shorter side to be honest.

If you’ve been around these parts for a few years, maybe you experienced my live streams where I would channel Him for sometimes close to an hour. Oddly enough, most people who were present who forget what was said, and would need to review it the following day.

While I would remember a lot — it would even happen to me. Key components to the messages of both Him and GAIA would evaporate. That’s because in that astral, meditative state, it is much like dreaming — and it’s hard to remember dreams. The conscious mind has a hard time with bringing it back and merging it with the awake state.

I’m still channeling in live shows, we have decided that a lot of the messages will be dictated in written form. This allows the body/mind/spirit to connect from the awake state.

The below channeling and messages within come as a surprise to me. I didn’t know that we would be getting into this now, but of course — it makes sense. I am not given the heads-up on things much of the time, and that’s purposeful, and I’m used to it at this point.

It was years ago when He told me His Truth. Which I knew immediately, and remembered deeply — and realized instantly that the reason I was for the most part separated from Him was because of the False Jesus Story. I knew that this was also the case for so many others, and He confirmed it. He would hint at things not being exactly accurate according to religion, but that was about it.

However, when I asked about when we would be dropping all The Truth on The Collective he was clear that the time was not then — but sometime in the future.

That was 2017, and it is now nearly 2023 — and much has happened and much has changed. Given what is currently happening it does make perfect sense that He is telling His Story now so that we can begin 2023-The 7 Year-The Divine & Great Awakening.

Please read my channeling’s from Archangel Metatron and Archangel Michael first if you haven’t. You can go out of order and start here, but we are suggesting to read the following in order if you haven’t yet.

Lastly, this is a long meeting with Him — and I was only able to bring in half of it yesterday, on Christmas, and half of it today.

While I love this “work” and truly am beyond blessed and grateful to be able to do what I do in this life, at times it is energetically challenging for me. Especially at times like these when there’s a LOT of energy coming in — and, as you will read — it was a BIG day energetically.

I truly hope you had a magical and beautiful Christmas holiday if that is something you celebrate. You are here for a reason, guided to this channeling to receive.

May you take in the following from Him in its entirety with an open mind and heart…

I’ll be channeling Him, and others, on 12.31.2022 for the New Year's Eve Live Zoom Party and January Stargate. Go to ArchangelsLove.com for details.

Join me for the LIVE on Fireside NYE PRESHOW where I explain everything we’ll be doing on 12.31.2022.

Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel

Photo by John Price on Unsplash

Dear Ones,

I am the one most of you know as Jesus. While this was not my name, not the name people knew me as when I was alive, this is the name most people know me as. Much about my life, from birth to death has been distorted, and in numerous instances–greatly distorted.

Today is Christmas, and you are celebrating the day of my birth; however, I was not born in December. I was born in the month of October. I do wish you a holiday filled with love, joy, and peace always.

I feel those of you who think of me at this time that is truly a celebration of the changing of seasons — The Winter Solstice. Where celebrations were taking place well before my supposed fantastical birth — The Baby Jesus.

While I have come to connect with the name Jesus, I wish to share with you the name that my closest friends and family called me when I was alive. I would like you to know it, so you can truly connect with me.

That is what I wish, for a true connection with you. Not one that is distorted because of false stories told about me, about what I said, about who I was, and what I stood for.

I didn’t live or die the way they said I did, and The Truth is important. It has always been important, but the fact is that most people do not want the truth. They want what makes them feel good, they want what is comfortable and what is comfortable are the things they are familiar with.

And when it comes to me, people are invested in the story or stories they “know”. However, there has been a shift, and will continue to be one in which the windows of the Souls of Humanity are opening to allow more Light! to come through. The Light! Is The Truth.

You are all currently in a Galactic Gate, receiving higher frequency vibrations than ever before. Not only is this helping to keep Mother GAIA and her pole shift steady, the vibrations to a minimal, as to not disturb life upon GAIA. This Galactic Gate is meant to elevate the consciousness of all life upon GAIA–especially for Humans, as ironically enough, Humans are far more unconscious than any other animal upon GAIA.

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash

Humans have been in a dream-like state for a very long time. Currently, one layer of the dream inception is being deleted. Extinguished. Eliminated. Dissolved. Transmuted…

If anything, these layers that are peeling off are the ones that give humans reasons to believe in absolutes. The hard edges that most people confine themselves to is an illusion, passed on from generation to generation. Life, and nature is edge-less, soft, round and expansive–like a mother’s belly as a baby grows within.

The magic is coming for you, dear Humans. The magic that is and has always been there, buried deep beneath the surface, layers of illusion, fears, and stories distorting reality.

When I was alive, I helped people to see The Truth. The power, the magic that is real and within the capacity of each one of you.

Our function when incarnate is to prove The Truth, prove the Magic, prove that miracles aren’t only for long ago stories that were never real. When I was alive, I wasn’t there to prove that miracles and magic are the exception–but the rule.

I was simply an older brother illustrating what was possible.

This is the same thing that those like Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel’s purpose is as well.

This is the paradox of revealing one’s essence–others mistake that because you are an incarnate, that you are made differently. That your human body can do things that everyone’else body cannot.

This is simply not that case.

While it is true that the human body we incarnate with is designed for us, the fact is that each human body has the exact same components.

After death, if you were to dissect Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel, or myself when I was alive, compared to any other human-we would all have the same inner workings, and it wouldn’t look different.

However, if you were to compare the frequency of hers, or mine compared to most others–that is where you would find a large discrepancy. The conscious human, connected to the Soul, channeling in upgrades and abilities is a function of awareness–not components or mechanics.

Once conscious and connected, filtering in awareness, abilities, and directives–the human can step beyond the normal limits of what they “know” to be possible in all aspects of life.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

The point I am making, Dear Ones, is that your ability for The Truth, and the awareness of your Soul, and the infinite multiverse, your capacity to receive LIGHT! Your capacity to understand time, the web of life, universal truths, what is real, what is false and everything in between is being supercharged.

The collective frequency upon GAIA–beginning with the 13–31 Gate of Great Awakening, is extraordinarily powerful. Never has there been such an intense upgrade such as this. It is unprecedented, and cannot be overstated how immensely this will impact humanity.

12.25.2022 is the 13th day of this Galactic Gate, and over the last 7 days the amount of LIGHT! Frequency has been increasing greatly. So much so that to compensate for the heat that the LIGHT! Radiates, it was necessary to counterbalance that heat with a great deal of cold in the Northern Hemisphere.

This is the reason for the intense storm that most of North America has been experiencing.

Most of the incoming LIGHT! was processing during this time. Beginning tomorrow through 12.31.2022, those energies will begin to disperse, and the integration of The LIGHT! Will truly commence through the 1.1–1.11 Stargate.

I bring you this awareness now, so you may assimilate with these facts, and calibrate yourself. I come to you now to offer my hand, my guidance, my support as you move through your journey as a Divine, Dearest Incarnate.

May you move beyond the blocks and illusions of who you are, and also of whom you’ve been told I am.

While even atheists agree that I was a real person, they do not believe in the stories religion has told about me, and denounce me completely.

There is an energy form that was created, with me at the center of it–creating me as special and different from the story of my miraculous conception and birth! How could any human relate to such an origin story? And that was precisely the point–to paint me as something so different than you, even my conception was fantastical.

We refer to it as The Jesus Wound, and Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel and I through her have talked about it before. There has either been a division, and separation created between The Truth of who I was when I was alive, people wanting nothing to do with me and my story, or those who believe it to be an absolute. Rarely are there people who are somewhere in between.

This is because my story is false–my name, my birth, and my death are all stories that are not true. This falsehood resonates throughout the collective and magnetizes people to the conclusion of false or the conclusion of complete reality.

While it would be much less complicated for people if my story wasn’t so integrated with spirituality that it could live outside the whole, and not affect people and they way they evolve. The truth is that the very nature and essence of my story was to suppress the story and evolution of others.

For this reason, it has always been a necessity to eventually, when the time was right–begin to tell the true story about who I am, what my life was really like. The Truth will eliminate the separation so many people have about me. The wound that is very real in so many ways.

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

I recognize that for many, The Truth will be difficult to process, and will be rejected by those who are far too integrated and indoctrinated into their religion to believe anything but the fantastical stories about me that they have been programmed with. For so many even before their birth, the intention of their parents was to indoctrinate their child into the lies they believe.

Since they were old enough to understand anything, they have been told who I am and what my story is, and they believe it because it comes from The Bible, from scripture that has anointed itself as absolute truth.

This is a complicated web of energies that is delicate in its construction and all that it is connected to. For now, it simply enough to make these statements. I will at a later time, get into the specifics about my life. Some of you, who know Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel personally have had this talk with us, and know The Truth.

There are several of you who had The Jesus Wound, and after knowing The Truth were able to connect with me, and now we have a relationship that we could not have before you knew The Truth. You are all proof that The Truth is healing. The Truth is The Light! Because WE ARE THE LIGHT! There is no way around eliminating the darkness that surrounds false stories other than knowing The Truth.

I have come to you on this day in particular because so many people speak of me, think of me, and celebrate me in various ways–but they do so to a False God. A False Story.

The fact is that I was a human being. I was not a God and I am NOT GOD. I am ascended, and that is true–but this can be true for any human being. As I stated earlier, the fact is that awareness makes the miracles, and awakening means awareness and that means upgrades.

Some people are born understanding exactly what they are and what they are connected to, and what their life purpose is from the time they are very young. This is our destiny–to be born awake, and that hold its own particular set of challenges that those who eventually awaken cannot comprehend.

I was one of those people, no more than a few years old when I was living in two worlds–more at times–and I realized that others were not. My awareness made me powerful at a young age, able to do and know things no one else could. But this didn’t mean that no one else could develop and connect. And that was always my message–to teach humanity of their potential, some of us need to be born way ahead of the standard consciously asleep, and indoctrinated human.

The Truth is that humanity has so much healing to do before they can truly integrate the upgrades that go into effect to allow for the powerful abilities to assimilate. For enough general negative energy, blocks, traumas, black holes, various parasites, karmic hooks, physical, energetic and emotional detachment from many energetic cords must take place for one to be able to fully awaken. Most people do not even know that these things exist.

At least, this has been the reality. Humanity has just begun to scratch the surface of what is to know about their body, and how it works and how to heal it. If anything, they have done everything to tear it apart, to break it down to the point that we are witnessing an explosion of new illnesses, and therefore more pharmaceuticals that poison the body further–and never truly heals it. The human body can truly transform and heal in miraculous ways, but it requires understanding of the body from the inside out first. Only superficial healing is possible through a healer unless their patient/client is a full participant in their healing journey.

To truly heal, one must walk through many layers of understanding of self, of the body, of energy, of tools, of who they are and their place in the web of life. An awareness, connection and integrating with cosmic happenings, and what each cycle brings up, what life itself pushes to the surface to force awareness, perception and further Soul integration.

Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel has been working with people for several years to heal all of the above. She then guides them through their healing and transition into further, step by step releasing more programs, fears, illusions, triggers, and to be a side-by-side guide through their journey of rebirth. There is a level of healing that most wouldn’t believe possible–even the ones who went through it were skeptical that her ability to help them heal so rapidly, and in every case from long distance, over video telecommunication.

However, they had faith that they were guided to The Truth, to someone who could really help them, and they were proven correct–and their lives have been forever changed because they took that leap of faith and followed their guidance to be what we call a pioneer. Nothing but their intuition and faith, and the frequency emanating from Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel told them they were safe and that they would be better than they were to begin with, and they were. Not only were they all shocked at their own immediate changes, they soon realized that it was, in fact, just the beginning of a magical experience that is their lives.

Photo by Juergen Amft on Unsplash

Free from chronic pain, illness, fatigue, confusion, lack of direction, having no motivation, no energy, or awareness. No matter how she tries to explain it to them, they are shocked when they go through their healing sessions with all of us. They also soon realize that the beginning means being new to yourself in a world that is forever changed because they are, and there is a long period of time that is required to adjust to the reality. It truly is like being born again, a brand new operating system in place is now running and the body and perception have to adjust. This does not happen overnight.

We are constantly reminding you that this is a forever experience. There is no end to this game, not even your death in this lifetime ends the forever cycles. Even I, am forever evolving and expanding, being rebirthed and experiencing life in a multitude of ways so my understanding of creation, and its infinite unfoldment sparks the evolution of The All.

I’ve always wanted you to see me as your big brother, someone just a few years older than you–knows a bit more, can do a bit more, is a little wiser, has experiences that you can learn from and grow stronger through without needing to waste time going through them yourself.

I, too, had an ego! I, too, had to get past myself despite my awareness as a toddler! None of us bypass our humanity. Listen to the infinite stories Infiniti tells about her current incarnation, and the many ways she had to experience her humanity before she could be who she is today! She knows now how blessed and loved, supported and magical she truly is–but it wasn’t always this way. Luckily, she allowed me to guide her through it. I had to remind her that I too was once human, and I too had to deal with much of what she was going through in her awakening and assimilation to her new reality.

Of course, our stories are different–but because I was human once, I understand what it’s like to fight yourself and who you are. To want to be normal, to not want the responsibility of knowing and being able to do so much. That is a natural process to the awakening and awareness to The All.

To want to run and hide from The Truth, from the reality of what you are and what you are meant to be and do in this life. To allow each and every fear imaginable to take hold and control and push you away from The Truth.

To give in to the dark side, let them carry you off into a torrent of illusions, fears, and anxieties that will never allow you to fully know The Truth or yourself because you cannot handle surrendering to destiny and the fact that you wouldn’t be who you are unless you were fully equipped to carry out the highest possible timelines for yourself–which means allowing yourself to fully connect with Us.

Those of us who can support and guide you from a vantage point of pure divine knowledge. Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel did everything she could to avoid The Truth.

She didn’t want to be who she was. Of course, we had many things, much evidence to support The Truth, and eventually, it was too enormous for her to deny. She is, in fact, an Archangel. She is Gabriel. There was a lot, but not nearly the totality of the infinite amount of influence to help awaken, heal and evolve humanity if she did not fully embody who she is. It was essential.

Deep down she knew this because she was programmed to know–and as she grew and evolved in her wake state, we worked even harder in her Astral state. There is no way to illustrate the amount of intense work she has done to be able to get to the point she is at today. And yet, she has just truly begun.

She is and will always be anchored to humanity, and its collective growth. This is so she doesn’t out pace the pack, if you will–and more importantly–she can associate with the processes that are happening in and around GAIA, The Abundance Matrix, and within The Web Of Life.

We have discussed the 13–31Gate of Great Awakening. Mother GAIA, AA Metatron, AA Michael, AA Gabriel in her articles, live shows and through Spirit Walks.

We will be coming to you more in the future, with messages to help you through your journey. We know that many of you are beginning to rise, and be guided to connect with us in various ways. Through this portal of Light! is one way we ask that you seek to connect, and receive all that we have to offer. We will be bringing you more integrations and energetic gifts to help you with your awakening and healing journey.

Please feel and know that we are working hard in various ways to bring The Truth to you. To create ways to guide and heal you. To empower you to break away from the limitations of your current paradigm and feel the shift that is happening.

Now through the end of the year, and into the first Stargate of 2023, 1.1–1.11, we will be working with you to integrate what was received. Most of this will be working in the background of your operating system, however for this to run as smoothly as possible, please consider yourself as a computer.

When computers are downloading and installing an upgrade to the operating system, no other programs, and the owner of the computer cannot use it. It is truly unfortunate that we cannot completely power you all down for days at a time, if we could, life as you know it would be radically different.

So, you must do this for yourself. Feel when the wave of energy moves through you, and when it is time to shut down all programs and rest. To go sleep. Do not deny yourself this necessary process of upgrading your system. Especially now, as the system requires a lot of space to integrate the incoming programs and time code connections to further Stargate’s and their highest possible timelines.

The more you can surrender to the process that is happening–and for many this means going through a detoxification process. Colds, flu, Covid are also on the rise more than they have been in the past 2 years, and together because of what is happening energetically. Humanity must release toxicities held in the body to make room for what must be installed.

If you are experiencing illness, please follow the guidance that Archangel Gabriel posted a few days ago. This will help with the detox and healing process.

Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

Rest and sleeping is extremely important and should be prioritized over anything that isn’t a necessity if you are detoxing through an illness. The consequences of not doing this will be experienced as a prolonged illness, fatigue, irritability, body pain and the inability for your body to integrate with the incoming energies. If that is the case, or you are finding ways to resist then this is an indication that you are avoiding upgrades for some reason.

When that happens, the body responds and shuts down the process and waits until another time to try again. No one besides you governs this flow — please remember that.

I know I have brought you a lot to think about today. But I also know that if you were guided to this channeling, that it was time for you to know The Truth, and reconnect, and upgrade through this shift.

I look forward to being with you more in the future. Infiniti and I work closely together, and have for many years now. It has been several years however since we worked together for the public, for The Collective as it was necessary for our energy to go in other directions, and it was also necessary for this shift to take place, so we can meet through a new understanding of who I am and what my true story is.

I wish to share more with you soon. Until then, know that I am with you, I feel you and know your heart. I support you fully in your journey–and I am here to guide and support you–be with you when you want me near.

I told you from the beginning of this meeting that I wanted you to know my real name. The name my friends and family called me–the name my followers called me. And although I have several–there is one that all called me, and I want you to know so you can call me by my real name–and we can begin to have a real relationship from and with The Truth.

My name is Elo. And when you want me to be with you, please say, or sing:

Eeeeeeeeelllllllllllooooooooooo. Eeeeeeeeelllllllllllooooooooooo.

It sounds much like “Hello” but no “he” sound. El.

Elo. Elo.

It is connected to my Life Force. It is connected to the elements. It is rooted in The Truth of Creation and Mother-Father God. It is forever intertwined with Mother Earth GAIA. When you call on me with this name, you are connecting to The Truth of who I am, not the story you were told.

For those of you who may see visions, and even if you cannot yet–know it is me by my dark skin, by deep set, large, dark eyes with a strong brow. I have a wide, square jaw, high cheekbones, a large nose, medium wide, and a wide neck. My hair is dark, coarse, and braided. I stand 6’/1.82 meters. I am muscular and strong.

I want to thank you for being guided here and spending this time with me. I thank Infiniti-Archangel Gabriel for being who she is, for following her guidance and destiny. For working with me, allowing for our love to blossom and her faith in this story.

This channeling is very long, and she had to work with me through December 26, 2022, to receive all of it. Please send your love to her, as she sends her love to you through the work that she does–and this being one of those things.

She begs me now to delete that last sentence–never wanting to ask for anything, but we know that your support for her work and efforts, for being open about who she is, for receiving her directives greatly motivates and lights her up.

Not only that, this world runs on engagement, so your likes, shares, and comments help spread her work, my and our messages, but also brings the energy back to her and this collective mission. It’s time to stamp your energy upon everything that guides and supports you. No longer is it sufficient to receive without marking your place upon that energy and maximizing its power.

Understand that each like, each positive comment, each time you share anything that is The Truth with The collective, you are adding to it’s power, and to the Life Force of the human who created it.

It charges their connection to their Soul and divine purpose–aside from the algorithms allowing more of the collective to experience it. This is aside from monetary donations and support–which, as I’m sure you can imagine massively charges the person’s energy AND helps heal The Money Wound.

Being grateful and gracious, charitable, kind and giving with your energy and your money to the people and creations that raise you up, help you see and know The Truth will contribute to the infinite loop of Light that is focused on this mission is more powerful than you can truly imagine–but can be felt when you participate in it. I promise you that.

Infiniti is human, as are you–as I once was–and we all need love and support-no matter who we are. This has been one lesson she, and many of you have the hardest time with. I remind her again, and you–that even I had a group of cohorts, supporters and those who loved and motivated me every single day to do what I was guided to do.

They supported me in my visions and our collective visions for humanity that are playing out today more than ever. So, more than ever we know that each one of you who are messengers and healers, guides and incarnate guardians need help and support.

So, I will always, always encourage and remind you to love and support each other–it is the only way.

With Love, Eternally, Always, and Forever.


About Infiniti

Photo of Infiniti

I am Infiniti, a Divine Angelic Incarnate.

As a channel and vessel for Mother-Father God, Mother Earth GAIA, The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer, Galactics, and Spirit Animals, together, we, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth.

Our priority is to remind you of how spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you are.

I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you that find me again through this multidimensional, magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.

We are SOUL FAMILY — Empaths, Lightworkers, Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.

My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with those of you who are ready to EVOLVE.

Read all about me, my magical & miraculous story of healing, and how I can help you on your journey of healing and ascension at Infinite Empath Transfigurations.com.

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Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger. https://infiniteempathtransfigurations.com