June Stargate: 6.6–6.16 Channeled Messages For The Collective From The High Council of Light & Infiniti

Current energies, intentions, ascension symptoms for your Soul.

Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s
8 min readJun 6, 2024


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Today is 6.6.2024, it is the first day of our June Stargate, 6.6–6.16 and The New Moon.


This New Moon is asking for you to allow your fully capacity for MAGIC to flow through you.

As such, you need to allow for the necessary shifts in awareness of abilities, and the space to cultivate them.

As for our monthly Stargate’s, this is when our entire quadrant of our galaxy is pulled deeper into the center of The Milky Way.

The closer we are to the center means that we experience more Divine Light. We have moved quite a bit in just 50 years.

These Stargate’s connect the Galactic Center with our Star and we not only are pulled into the center, but we receive a massive influx of Light Codes and ascension activations.

Time moves faster, and significant events and experiences unfold during a Stargate on both the macro and micro levels.

June is the turning point each year, as we move into the second half of the year, and these last 6 Stargate’s help to define and create our future timelines from the foundation of what has been rearranged in the previous months/Stargate’s.

To be clear, this is beyond astrology, as astrology is about our solar system. This is far beyond that, and not something that can be tracked by observing our solar system, but rather the entire quadrant.

The energies that are coming through with this Stargate will inspire us to even out and balance ourselves in our timelines.

June is pivotal for facing The Truth of what we are cycling in our timelines, what is positive, what is negative and how we can raise our station/frequency/vibration/consciousness.

Another influx of the 13:31 Gate of Great Awakening is gearing up at the same time, and in between it all, we have The Summer Solstice on 6.20.

What this means is that much of what we experienced physically with previous Stargate’s, solar flares, activations and downloads of waves of Light Codes are now converging with our consciousness.

It’s like building a sandwich, layer by layer.

GAIA has shifted the energies that she is filtering to us now. They will help us to ground, be in a more calm state of being, then pull to and into nature and natural spaces will help us to navigate disruption.

She continues to work with Rose Quartz energies, please connect with your Rose Quartz to receive guidance for the shifts.

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash

Now the newest layer is about implementing changes.

Or, at least getting to a point where we can see clearly what needs to be changed.

These can be big changes that were guided to that we may have previously avoided or needed time to process.

Events will happen that will move you down a new timeline, and this happens because it’s literally time to experience yourself from a new perspective, and as such, you need to change the current timeline.

What’s important to understand is that all of this is unsettling, chaotic, disruptive to your entire system.

Emotions tend to run high with people both awake and asleep when these energies come into play.

People can be overly dramatic, emotional, and explosive. Fears come to the surface in big ways.

Tensions and friction definitely play a part in how this transpires.

Staying aware of the influx of energies, paying attention to your emotions and what is triggering you, and how you’re reacting will help you to navigate your responses.

The Dark Side wants the fears of others to ignite your fears, illusions and programs so you are pulled away from your Divine Grace.

You have the choice to take the time to slow things down and choose your responses and moves towards whatever needs changing in a way that causes the least amount of chaos, or the most amount of chaos.

Remember also, that The Dark Side and all the parasites that people are hosts for will be working overtime to create negative energy and distract us from ourselves and what we need to pay attention to.

The name of the game for The Dark Side is to use these opportunities to create lower level timelines, and keep us from rising.

It’s our job not to allow that.

We have a convergence of The New Moon as well, and this is also when The Dark Side likes to inject a ton of fear-based frequencies into The Collective Consciousness.

Please see this for what it is. Their opportunity to take us off course, and distract us with whatever get us away from The Truth: that we are in a Galactic Gateway that can move us into higher vibrational timelines.

This Stargate is overflowing with CREATIONAL energies.

Reminding us that we were created to create. That we must tap in and cultivate our creative powers, and use those energies to lift ourselves and each other up into the higher timelines.

Our job is to see all of this clearly, as clearly as we have the capacity for, and our intention to be AWARE and sovereign is key.

Remind yourself several times a day that there are waves of energy coming through to inspire CHANGE & CREATION.

Either those energies are going to support and lift you to a greater capacity to connect to The Divine, your Soul, your Soul Family, OR they will work to take you away from all of these things.

Stargate’s are thresholds. Pushing us one way or another, forcing issues, forcing us to see the unseen more clearly, and it’s our REACTIONS and RESPONSES to these things that dictate how our timelines unfold.

Photo by Jacob Dyer on Unsplash

Stargate/New Moon/Paradigm Shifting Intentions

I will create space for myself to see and feel clearly.

I will take the time to assess myself and what changes need to be implemented for my highest possible timelines.

I will be open to the new and unfolding opportunities that are presented, and choose my timelines wisely.

I will slow myself and my reactions down and find a neutral space before responding to anyone.

I will take the time I need to take care of myself and assess my boundaries, and reaffirm them to myself and others as needed in a kind and loving manner. It is my responsibility not to allow my boundaries to be crossed.

I will make time and space to be creative and creational, allowing my Soul, and Divine Guidance to work through me.

I will open up to all the possibilities of deeper inner work, healing and connecting with my Soul, and set intentions for living my life through these priorities.

When I am open, when I am clear, when I am in faith, I receive.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Ascension Symptoms

Mental and emotional ups and downs, confusion, irritations to frequencies, needing alone time, tingling throughout the body, but especially the lower half, pressure in the head, headaches, eye disturbances, sensitivity to light, and sound.

Feeling ungrounded, needing to ground more often, experiencing more synchronicities, more complex Angel Number Light Codes, mystical and unexplained phenomena, increase in psychic abilities and awareness, precognition visions, sudden reconnection with people from past timelines, new arrivals of Soul Family, greater understanding of your energetic connections, and awareness of energetic connections that need to be cut or reset, allowing for greater Life Force Energy to come in for you.

Maximizing your Life Force should be an ongoing set of priorities, this comes from constant maintenance and by working with your energetic connections.

I encourage those of you in The Unstoppable Empath Course & Group Membership to use this time to your advantage for your cord cuts and resets, as the influx of Life Force Energy will help you greatly in the shifts that are necessary.

Feel free to reach out with questions or to share your experiences.

CONSIDER this period as a very good time to undergo deep energy healing and spiritual connections.

We suggest the Rainbow Light Body Energy Healing, The Dragon Heart Emerald Key Healing and The Wings of Grace Goddess Connection: Divine Feminine Healing.

They are donation based, and I will accept payments.

To learn the most effective, loving LIGHT based experience for ENERGY CORD work, my page has information on The Unstoppable Empath Course. It’s critical self-healing energy work that I guide you through for only $35 monthly.

Lastly, The Soul Quest program opens again in July. It’s a deep dive into you on every level, and the most comprehensive road map to exactly what shadow work and healing is required for your maximum Soul Connection and highest timelines.

Please note that I have been guided to limit my availability for bookings in June and July for single sessions and consultations.

Wishing you the most stable, productive, connected, clear, creational, inspired and magical Stargate yet!

Sending BIG LOVE,
Infiniti & The High Council of Light

#stargate #junestargate #ascension #energycords #enerGyhealing #changes #timelines #newmoon #junenewmoon #gaia #schumannresonance #spiritualguidance #spiritualawakening #soulquest #lifeforceenergy #paradigmshift

About Infiniti

Photo of Infiniti

I am Infiniti, a Divine Angelic Incarnate.

As a channel and vessel for Mother-Father God, Mother Earth GAIA, The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer, Galactics, and Spirit Animals, together, we, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth.

Our priority is to remind you of how spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you are.

I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you that find me again through this multidimensional, magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.

We are SOUL FAMILY — Empaths, Lightworkers, Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.

My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with those of you who are ready to EVOLVE.

Read all about me, my magical & miraculous story of healing, and how I can help you on your journey of healing and ascension at Infinite Empath Transfigurations.com.

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Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger. https://infiniteempathtransfigurations.com