The Spiritual War, The Presidential Debate & The Importance of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s


The We Are Healing Podcast LIVE Friday, 6 PM Pacific.


On tomorrow’s episode of the We Are Healing podcast, I’ll be discussing Robert Kennedy Jr’s role in the paradigm/balance of power of consciousness shifting Spiritual War.

I have had many visions and downloads about Bobby, and his campaign, and presidency.

The Spiritually Awakening Community consists of those who are waking up from The Material Matrix.

We are connecting to our Divine Counterparts, as was always meant to, to help guide us to sovereignty, our ultimate health, happiness, and the ability to carry out our Divine Soul Missions by making The Truth of our reality, and connecting to our Souls a priority.

Do you REALLY know who Bobby Kennedy is? Or have you only heard about him from those who want to stop him?

We know no other way once waking up. Once having a Spiritual Awakening, we can do little else but uncover The Truth about ourselves, the meaning of our lives, and in doing so, discover our Life Purpose.

Those of us who are with, by and for The Light know that we are here to help lift the consciousness of humanity, to help others understand The Truth, and how there are forces that work to control, oppress, manipulate and literally feed off the negative energy of humanity.

There is a Spiritual War. There is The Dark Side, and The Light. We have been at war for millennia. However…

There is a paradigm shift that is taking place right now. More and more people are waking up consciously and spiritually.

RFKJ speaks openly of his struggles with darkness and dark forces, and energies that seemed beyond his control, his addiction struggles, and his Spiritual Awakening.

While politics is a dirty game, one must get dirty to make things clean.

This is exactly what Bobby has been tasked with doing, what he has discovered as part of his Soul Missions.

He didn’t think he would be running for president, but he was called by his Soul, and Divine forces to activate himself and as many other Light Bodies as possible to take a stand, and make the changes we want to see in the world happen by doing things differently.

I, too, never thought I would be doing the things I’m doing. The life I live now is a 180 from what it was for the first 40+ years. When I was chronically ill, disabled, powerless, separated from The Truth.

But then I was miraculously pulled out of The Material Matrix, step by step, Awakening, and I slowly came to understand and accept myself, who and what I am as a Divine Incarnate, and what is truly in play, and my part in it.

I am a Messenger, Spiritual Guide, a Divine Channel, a Quantum Distance Healer, Ascension and Soul Guide.

My Soul Mission is to help people Awaken, heal, and co-create the new reality for humanity. New Earth comes from a rebirthing process, and we are now firmly in the beginnings of that process.

Bobby is a major player, and has a massive role to play in the shift.

As a Spiritually Awakening President, something we have never had, he will begin to shift the energies of our nation, government, and world from The Dark Side and negative energy based structure that has been in place, and has only gotten stronger.

Separating us, dividing, and conquering us, and our sovereignty and consciousness, instead of uniting us.

Bobby brings The Light, and hope to those who are guided to know him.

Because the spiritual community is conscious, many reject all who have anything to do with politics, elections, and those running in them.

We’ve seen only more war, control, and ill health over the years, many see the power structure as a lost cause, while waiting for New Earth to appear.

I’m being guided to help bridge the divide between those who are Awake, and those who are Awakening.

For all of these reasons, I am guided to make Friday’s live podcast episode focus about Bobby.

To help those who would rather have nothing to do with elections, be inspired to rally behind @RobertKennedyJr.

Join me this Friday, June 28, 2024, at 6 PM Pacific

I’ll be live-streaming to the following platforms: X @WeAreHealingPod, Facebook, YouTube.

Please join me, and share this event with others.

The Real Debate

Denied To Debate

One of the big things that have been going on is how both the LEFT and the RIGHT do NOT want RFKJ to run, to campaign, to get on ballots, and they definitely do not want him to debate. This has been big news over the last few weeks; Bobby fighting to be included.

He’s a real-deal threat to both of them, and they know it. He would hold their feet to the fire in a debate and neither of them want to deal with that.

Because it is the very people that Bobby has spent his life on taking to court in the name of justice for the environment, BlackRock, are the very people who own CNN, the network that is hosting the debate that is on today.

They created a set of rules to make it, so Bobby couldn’t be on the stage after Joe Biden and Donald Trump decided and agreed to only having a debate IF BOBBY WOULD NOT BE INCLUDED.

CNN created with them the parameters of engagement, with those “rules” in mind. Ironically enough, he is the only one out of the three that does qualify, given that he is on at least 25 states at this point, and almost every day they announce more.

He has more than enough possible electoral votes. Both Biden and Trump are not on any ballots because they are the presumptive nominees, but not officially nominated.

Aside from that, they are arbitrarily deciding to disqualify polls that Bobby have higher numbers in. His polls are where they need to be. But it doesn’t matter.

Long story short, Bobby filed an FCC complaint against CNN, which was igored.

The levels of corruption is astoubding.

The debate is tonight, and Bobby will not be there.

I am not surprised by any of this, as I knew that it would never happen for him to be on that stage, however, I also knew that it was a blessing in disguise.

CNN denies an invitation to RFKJ to debate tonight.

All the blocks and opposition against him — and there’s a LOT, are blessings in disguise for him, even if it doesn’t appear that way. I will get into that more in the LIVE podcast tomorrow.

I posted on X last month how Bobby needed to set up his own thing at the same time, and that it would be even better than if he was on the stage.

Not too long after, Elon Musk posted that Bobby should be included in the debates, just like so many other people.

Bobby responded to that tweet, asking if Elon would host something, and Elon’s reply was “Sure”.

Five weeks later, X is presenting: The Real Debate.

Bobby will have his voice heard, debate (sort of) alongside Trump and Biden, but he won’t have the restrictions they do, and it will be really something to see the numbers of how many people tune into X to watch Bobby, vs CNN as there’s been a huge outcry of support for Bobby, and calls to boycott CNN and their debate.

I’m very much looking forward to watching this tonight, and I encourage you to watch at https://therealdebate.com/.

If you don’t already know Bobby, and support him, I ask that you take the time to hear from him directly, and join me tomorrow on my podcast to get a different perspective on Bobby and his role in the shift in consciousness, The Spiritual War, and how it all shapes our future timelines.

About Infiniti

Photo of Infiniti

I am Infiniti, a Divine Angelic Incarnate.

As a channel and vessel for Mother-Father God, Mother Earth GAIA, The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer, Galactics, and Spirit Animals, together, we, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth.

Our priority is to remind you of how spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you are.

I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you that find me again through this multidimensional, magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.

We are SOUL FAMILY — Empaths, Lightworkers, Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.

My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with those of you who are ready to EVOLVE.

Read all about me, my magical & miraculous story of healing, and how I can help you on your journey of healing and ascension at Infinite Empath Transfigurations.com.

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Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger. https://infiniteempathtransfigurations.com