Write For The Messenger’s Publication

How to join our spiritual & ascension-based publication. For Empaths & Lightworkers.

Infiniti 🦋
9 min readJul 15, 2022


Is Your Soul Calling?

Are you compelled to share your journey, stories, wisdom, knowledge, dreams, spiritual journey, what it’s like being an Empath, a Lightworker?

Do you like to write, are you into journaling?

Are you compelled and guided to create, share, express yourself and your WOO?

Maybe you’re an established writer in other genres, perhaps you’ve never written on Medium before?

Either way, if you’re guided to be part of this community that means that you are interested in spiritual awakening, energy work, meditation, Divine Connections, what is The Truth, what is illusion and what is real, but unseen.

This publication is a safe place for people who want to work on themselves, and help others, share intimate stories, and general spiritual information that comes through.

Digital Art By Infiniti

Why I Created The Messenger’s

As a Messenger myself, guided to create videos, live events & streams, programs, podcasts, art, and write articles and stories for The Collective, I know how important it is to do this type of work.

Almost all of my clients have found me through my articles on Medium, and that’s because they are searching and being guided to the content that I’m guided to create.

Like a moth to a flame, we are magnetized to what we need in our lives, and when it comes to spiritually awaking, it’s essential to your evolution to get The Truth.

I’m committed to working with The High Council, doing my part for the collective to bring in the Divine information, and connections with our Divine Counterparts that we, as incarnates need to have to move forward in our journey’s and Soul Missions.

You, as a writer and contributor, are encouraged to openly share, expand and put yourself out there in a way that helps you and others evolve.

Photo by Connor Pope on Unsplash

The Messenger’s Journal

I’m happy to create a place here for writing without the need to feel that there has to be a certain structure, or anything in particular, to publish “the perfect article or story”.

The journal is a place for you to post what’s going on with you, what you’re thinking about, what your struggles and wishes are without the stress of what it should look like.

It's about getting things out that have to come out and for others to support you, and it also helps for people to know what other people deal with, so we can all recognize that while the details aren’t the same, the themes are, and we can help each other by sharing of ourselves, and allowing others to see us.

Just tag your work with “journal” before submitting.

Photo by Varun Gaba on Unsplash

Publishing Stories & Articles

If you intend to write “real-deal” stories and articles, hoping that others read it, and you can make money from it, and are hoping that it may even be curated by Medium for mass distribution — YAY!

Please spend time reading articles about structure, leaving space between paragraphs, grammar, spelling, titles, and all of the things that are important.

Use a writing tool like, “The Language Tool” for grammar, format and helping with writing suggestions. There’s a Chrome extension as well.

Use a title writing tool like, Headline Studio for help with your headlines, as they are critical in getting people to click on your article.

Make sure that each photo has copyright information, and that it is fair use, or created by you.

Reminder: NONE of this needs to be done for your JOURNAL entries, EXCEPT the photo copyright. Journals are a stress-free, zone that can look like anything.

Be Positive, Be Supportive, Engage, Share

If you want to be part of this publication, please have your intentions in alignment with bringing positivity to The Collective.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t be real, or discuss things that are negative, or painful — but this is not the place to complain, be mean to others in any way, to gaslight, to call out people you don’t agree with, etc.

Support your fellow contributors by reading, responding, highlighting, clapping, and sharing other’s stories on your social media and with your friends and family directly.

Be someone who enjoys connecting with your fellow writers.

Be someone who claps-generously. You can clap up to 50 times. Be someone who leaves comments and who engages with the community freely and often.

Be someone who shares and promotes others work through Medium, and via other Social Media Platforms.

Cooperation Not Competition

We want an open, engaged, encouraging family type of atmosphere here that is heart-centered, seeking a safe place to go.

You are someone who is actively looking to grow spiritually by connecting to like-minded Souls.

We celebrate the big and little accomplishments in BIG ways, and want you to join in that.

What kinds of dreamy scribbles and pieces of artistic expression do we want here?

There are no hard lines in this magical space.

We want an eclectic variety of writings, centered in Soul Growth, Spirituality & Positive Energy.

Contribute your creations and messages as long as they are firmly rooted in the foundation of:

Truth. Emotion. Evolution.

That you are:

Passionate. Real. Loving. Caring. Warm. Giving. Evolving.

We want:


Publication Tags:

Here are some Topics of Interest to get an idea of what we’re looking for here at The Messengers

Note: You have something to express or share-you don’t have to be an expert

Photo by Paul Gilmore on Unsplash
  • Spirituality
  • Dreams & Dreaming
  • Human Evolution in connection to Spirituality
  • Abundance
  • Lightwork
  • Lightworkers
  • Astrology
  • Numerology
  • Numbers
  • Angel Messages & Numbers
  • Yoga & other spiritual physical practices
  • Reiki
  • Healthy Living with an emphasis on Spiritual Growth
  • Food
  • Meditation & Astral Projection
  • Spiritual Messages
  • Giving or Seeking Spiritual Advice
  • Spiritual Activism
  • Equality
  • Balance
  • Chakras
  • The Law of Attraction
  • Manifestation
  • Soul Missions
  • Synchronicities
  • Sacred Geometry
  • Sacred Wisdom/Knowledge
  • Metaphysics
  • Metaphysical Experiences
  • Universal Understanding
  • Universal Laws
  • The Tree of Life relating to Spiritual Growth, The Hermetic Tarot
  • Spiritual Awakenings
  • Creativity
  • Holistic Health & Wellness
  • Psychedelics
  • 420
  • Healing & Healers
  • Energy & Energy Work
  • Self Help & Healing
  • Family & Parenting
  • Love & Romantic Relationships
  • Divine Unions
  • The Elements
  • The Divine
  • The Divine Feminine & The Divine Masculine
Digital Art By, Infiniti

This is a safe place to write about and explore the connections that some of us have with:

  • Psychic Awareness, Abilities, Growth, Empowerment
  • Empath Guidance & Stories of Empowerment
  • Healthy Relationship Stories/Advice having to do with a positive, loving, spiritual theme
  • Tarot & Oracle
  • Divination
  • GAIA
  • Nature
  • Soul Family
  • Soulmates
  • Ascended Masters
  • Twin Flames
  • Angelics & Archangels
  • Earth Angels
Photo by My Life Journal on Unsplash
  • Starseeds
  • Elementals
  • The Fae
  • The Dragons
  • Animals & Animal Spirits
  • Spirit Tribes & Spiritual Connections

Other Creations To Submit:

  • Art
  • Inspirational Quotes
  • Music
  • Videos

Events, Promotions, Experiences

As a member of the publication, you are encouraged to promote your personal and professional offerings periodically and reasonably.

Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash

Topics That Would Be Best Suited Elsewhere:

  • Anything related to Dark Magic; any instructions to make or practice with, including any spell casting instructions
  • Politics & Religion, unless positive/spiritually themed
  • Fear based or conspiratorial type stories
  • COVID-19, unless positive/spiritually themed
  • Sex related stories that do not fall within the scope of the publication
  • Stories about business, technology or AI — unless it directly relates to Spirituality
  • Self Help stories and listicles that aren’t centered around spirituality or a spiritual practice or theme
  • Venting & complaining about your life, the world and the happenings in it without it being introspective and about learning or growing
  • Overall negatively charged content or insensitive
  • Marketing How-To’s
  • Writing How-To’s
  • Curating How-To’s
  • Stories about STATS
Photo by Sarthak Navjivan on Unsplash

The Messenger’s Community

We’re looking forward to Zoom get-togethers and other online events with our members for POSITIVE connections and motivational talks meant to create a synergistic experience for everyone.

The Messenger’s Forum

As a writer/contributor/editor of the publication, you’re encouraged to join the forum. It’s hosted on Infiniti’s website, and can be found here.

It is a private forum, for members of The Messenger’s only.

The intention behind creating a forum for this publication is to be able to engage with fellow writers, and Infiniti.

To continue the conversation of our stories, articles, comments, ideas for the publication, etc. in a private and safe place away from the Medium.com platform.

Once you’ve requested access as a writer to the publication (below), and have been accepted, please go to the forum and register with the site, and you will be added to the forum.

How To Join Us

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

To be added as a writer on The Messenger’s, please fill out the following form:

Once Added As A Writer:

Submit your stories via the 3 dots at the top of your page, select The Messenger’s. Make sure your imagine looks the way you expected in the preview, add your tags for your post, and hit submit.

What To Expect

Unless your story is really out of the scope of what we are about, you can expect to be published — quickly. If you haven’t gotten a response and/or your story isn’t published within 24 hours, please reach out.

Triple check for spelling and grammar. Utilize the tools mentioned above.

Enlist a friend to proofread your articles by sharing the draft link.

Make sure your photos have been captioned properly for credit, if they are your own photos, caption accordingly. Canva is a great website for creating graphics, and a lot more!

Submissions will be “lightly” reviewed for the over-all energy of the content, but not micromanaged.

Typo’s and misspellings will be corrected if caught, but please don’t rely on the editors to do this work for you.

If your submission contains too many structural, grammatical, spelling issues, it will be rejected with notes on how to edit.

A photo of Infiniti

About Infiniti

I am Infiniti, a Divine Angelic Incarnate.

As a channel and vessel for Mother-Father God, Mother Earth GAIA, The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer, Galactics, and Spirit Animals, together, we, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth.

Our priority is to remind you of how spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you are.

I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you that find me again through this multidimensional, magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.

We are SOUL FAMILY — Empaths, Lightworkers, Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.

My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with those of you who are ready to EVOLVE.

Read all about me, my magical & miraculous story of healing, and what I have to offer at Infinite Empath Transfigurations.com

The Healing Butterfly.org an open treasure chest of FREE informational resources, including free e-books, and my art.

Social Media : VERO @ Infiniti_963
SubStack: Infiniti’s Magical Moments Newsletter



Infiniti 🦋
The Messenger’s

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger. https://infiniteempathtransfigurations.com