Top Stories published by The Messiah Code 神碼技術共筆 in May of 2022


看到一篇由Alex Ewerlöf 這位fullstack Engineer 所寫下的跟公司談薪水的策略,覺得與自己思考有很多match的地方。因為實在太多人困擾或詢問我談薪水的事情,在這邊對其提及的幾點,做以下統整:

Money is not “quantified goodness”, nor is it related to the positive impact you make in the world (think bankers or drug lords)

The Messiah Code 神碼技術共筆
The Messiah Code Blog provide original Chinese technical articles or translation and interpretation of foreign articles, including but not limited to the following areas: front and back of the website, data analysis and product design.
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