The Daily Maybe #13: We Are Not Amused.

Sarim Irfan
The Messy Artist Blogs
5 min readMay 7, 2018

~And they’ll never be useful (UUUUSEFULLLL)…~

Looking up at where all their value dissipated to… (via Blick)

OhmyGodddddddd there’s a Royal wedding coming up omg omg omggggggg!

…is what I’ve heard on occasion, especially as of late.

In response to that excitement, dear Reader, I posit the following question:

Who cares?

Hello and welcome to The Daily Maybe, everyone’s favourite place for… Well, I’m still not sure on the one thing I do. I kind of write on whatever’s on my mind in the moment. This blog is just me expressing my thoughts, y’know?

Speaking of random things that have little to no societal value, let’s talk about the Royal Family!

Of course I’m gonna reference Cookie when throwing shade. (via GIPHY)

Yes, I just mildly shaded the Royals. I’m entitled to doing so; not only am I a London-born citizen of the land over which they “preside,” but I’m also just someone exercising their right to free speech.

By only critiquing something that actually can be critiqued. With an argument that can actually be supported by fact.

Take notes, Kanye.

Hehe. (via GIPHY)

Okay I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. Obviously Kanye doesn’t read my blog (or much in general), but the potshot was too tempting.

Today’s post is all about the Royal Family, and a little bone I have to pick with what they allegedly stand for.

Like I said, I was born in London. I’m very proud of that fact, and of course, as anyone born in or near a major metropolitan city, I think mine is the greatest in the world.

Or, it could be.

See, many people decry the identity politics of today as an annoying occurrence of only today. Of course we’ve been categorising people and criticising those who don’t fit into our ideas of those categories for ages, but in this current decade, apparently, it’s “worse than ever”.

I don’t know where this is from, but I like it. (via GIPHY)

In my experience, there’s always been a somewhat strictly defined notion of what it means to be “British.” Though we as a society have grown to better understand and appreciate how diverse we are, there are some “super important” things that people still expect us all to know. One of these things expected of a Brit?

Giving a shit about the Royals.

Now, of course, my rationale behind labeling that an “expectation” is purely anecdotal, but still; the story’s good framework for this post, and it really annoyed me in the moment.

Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane.

Kinda digging the vintage vibe here… (via GIPHY)

The year is… Some time between 2004 and 2008. I’m in primary school, and it’s Sports Day, one of the most annoying-yet-mildly-eventful days of the year. I’m running the relay race for my house, as one does when he takes little interest in Sports Day and is shafted into whatever race needs filling.

As the time for my race grows ever closer, my fellow runners and I get up and approach the track. One of my classmates (who for respect’s sake shall remain unnamed) strikes up a conversation with me about current events — as primary school children do — and brings up the Royal Family.

“Did you hear about *whatever was going with the Royals at the time*?” he asks, palpably excited over this.

“Uh… No, sorry.” I reply, bored.

“Do you even know who Prince *whoeverthehell* is?” he asks, clearly unimpressed.

“Is that the bald one?”

An extremely audible sigh.

“You don’t even know anything about the Royal Family!” he exclaims, shocked at my lack of such vital information.

Calm down there, bud. (via GIPHY)

That’s the issue I have here.

Why am I supposed to give two hoots about the bloody Royal Family? What exactly has Her Majesty done for me, or anyone? Can you, dear former classmate, even tell me how useful they are for the country?

I can.

It takes a single Google search to find multiple sources confirming that the Royals have almost no political power whatsoever. The only major power the Queen has is to disband Parliament, which… I mean she just wouldn’t do, unless she wanted a bloody mess on her hands.

Lmao no you don’t. (via GIPHY)

So, the Royals do nothing of substance for us. They make some of their money off of us, through the partially-taxpayer funded Sovereign Grant, but that’s not too egregious so I won’t complain too much; most of their dough comes from their own assets.

Still, that’s enough for me to justify not Keeping Up With The Windsors. They do not affect any of our lives. They technically leech off us a little. They’re cute sometimes, for sure, and they’re an undeniable tourist attraction…

…but you don’t see me paying so much attention to Big Ben.

This expectation of knowing everything that’s going on with the Royals at any given moment is annoying, and, quite frankly, ridiculous. Though it’s far from a pressing issue in my life right now, it still exists, and was worth ripping into for a bit.

I’m happy for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, and wish them a happy marriage. But please, don’t be treating their wedding like the event of the century. It’s weird.

And that’s that.

🍉 I’ve been binging Season/Volume Two of Dear White People and ohmyGOD how I’ve missed this show! I thought to myself, “two episodes a day; I’ll pace myself so I can savour the show.”

…now it’s been out three days and I’m on Episode 8 of 10.


I’m sorry, Sam. Luh you styll. (via GIPHY)

I’m also killing it in Fortnite lately, and heard this morning The Mad Titan himself is coming to the game tomorrow, for a limited-time mode of everybody vs. Thanos.

I am excited.

Oh, and I made it through the first two trial classes of that teaching job I mentioned last time; they’ve invited me to do a couple more! Pray these also go well pls.

Alright, that’s it for today.

Till next we meet,

