Build Back Your Crypto Freedom with July 4th Ozone Metaverse Land Sale

Jenny Carrington
The Metaverse Chronicles
3 min readJun 30, 2022

Tuesday June 21, 2022 (New York, NY)

As NFTCreators gathered at Waterline Square in New York City, co-host Ozone Metaverse has a message of optimism in the wake of natural fear this crypto winter.

Let’s Bear to Build:

Unless you’ve already been living full time in your imagination, you’ve probably noticed that crypto markets have taken a steep fall. Ethereum is down under $1,000 — an 80% drop from their all-time high. Bitcoin is down about 30% to under $20,000 and the bear market looks like it’s here to stay.

Good news is there’s a Mama Bear in the big city this week and she’s leading everyone home into the ‘Freedom of Flow’. Flow blockchain, that is — and more specifically, the Flow token.

Flow is the native currency and your new all-access revenue generation pass for the Ozone Metaverse. As they prepare their iconic virtual reality land-sale and digital peer-to-peer eco-system, it’s no coincidence they launch on Independence Day. The combined utility token and decentralized home platform offers unparalleled freedom to developers, users, consumers and artists to transact, transfer, and radically transform our concept of value.

But what’s freedom without opportunity? To use an age-old idiom, skeptics who are running from ‘the bear’ are ‘missing the forest for the trees.’

While critics exaggerate an entirely evaporated trust in Web3 risk security, Ozone offers a breath of truth, ‘We’re not going anywhere. This market is not going anywhere. This is a long-term game and we’re not even remotely worried about market conditions. We’re getting even more aggressive in our value proposition. We’ll turn your fear dust into low-cost, high value real estate.’

They’re about to make history by reverse engineering their pricing structure. You might say they’re bullish on community engagement. Their strategy is to let early adopter world builders infuse creative oxygen into the flailing, gasping for air crypto community — and they’re unwavering.

There is no fear in the O-Zone. They’re completely stoked to unveil a unique market value swap strategy with a wildly attractive call to action: You can actually live practically full time in your imagination and still watch the flow of crypto turn upstream! Here’s how:

  1. Cash in this fourth of July on a digital plot at a remarkably underpriced flat rate.
  2. Receive an Ozone plot valued at the equivalent of a ‘pre-fall’ exchange to co-create the value of Flow in real-time.
  3. Work with a like-minded, enthusiastic and optimistic cohort of peers to activate our new generation of marketplaces, games, consumer applications.
  4. YOU are the digital assets that power them. Creators are the flow, under the Flow.
  5. There is no ceiling except for your imagination.
  6. Build with us.

Buy Back Better than Bitcoin:

Your purchase is a no-brainer in this scenario. If you’re running to cash out on your Bitcoin, take a deep inhale. Where you might get a few bucks for your fractional Satoshi, you can get about five times that by converting your stake in Flow and in grabbing some prime district real estate to repurpose for your art gallery collection, small business services, or retail shop. You can build, rent, lease, trade, co-create and give back to your favorite causes.

Ozone’s unshakeable confidence in their commerce-engine proposition is striking investors, anyway. Their DAO governance structure and internet-scale, no-code design features have attracted partners such as NetZero Capital and Blocto.

Enhance your experience at NFT NYC by launching a demo. Sign up here for first look land sale information.



Jenny Carrington
The Metaverse Chronicles

Entertainer. Yogi. Writer. Artist. Mental Health Professional. Co-Founder of @wearemotherearth. Founder of @freedom2fit. CEO of @livegti. Walked Across America.