10 Reasons You Should Use MetricFire

Aymen El Amri
The MetricFire Blog
7 min readJun 8, 2020


This blog post was written as part of a collaboration with MetricFire.

  1. Affordable pricing
  2. 24/7 support
  3. Open source at heart
  4. Choice of server location
  5. On-premises available
  6. Community supported dashboards
  7. Light-weight dashboards
  8. Customized dashboards
  9. Redundancy of data (N+2)
  10. Long term data storage

As a hosted Prometheus, Graphite, and Grafana service, MetricFire collects, stores and visualizes time series data from all kinds of sources on its easy-to-use infrastructure and application monitoring platform.

MetricFire can run on-premises or on cloud and offers a whole suite of support options from alerting design to analytics and overall monitoring. In addition, you can fine-tune your MetricFire experience with a host of third-party plugins.

Whether you need to integrate a webhook from GitHub, quickly collaborate with your security team on Slack, or figure out an issue with the CI pipeline with CircleCI, MetricFire can do it all in a few simple steps.

Monitoring servers, applications, networks, or any other part of the IT infrastructure is important to fast-growing tech companies, and MetricFire covers monitoring in all of these areas. MetricFire’s users include major multinational coffee brewers, online game companies, a number of data science firms, SaaS providers and many other companies from different sectors.

Installing your own monitoring software is neither simple nor cost-effective without MetricFire around. If you’re a startup, you don’t want to exhaust a part of your funding in maintaining a team of engineers for monitoring purposes. It makes more sense to get MetricFire’s hosted Prometheus, Graphite, and Grafana services take care of your every monitoring task. You won’t have to build your own monitoring solution or hire your own team.

At the center of MetricFire’s offering lies the hosted Graphite services, which absorbs millions of metrics and allows you to watch your metrics in real-time on stunning Grafana dashboards. MetricFire’s hosted Prometheus services add tagging and data aggregation to the mix of open source tools already available in the platform.

The technology used in the hosted Graphite available at MetricFire is also an amplified version of the open source Graphite. Data aggregation is automatic with MetricFire, unlike open-source Graphite, where only one data point is saved per resolution interval.

MetricFire has no limit on the number of data points saved per interval. It saves multiple data points and aggregates them in more than nine ways with no extra configuration.

All these features don’t mean MetricFire costs an arm and a leg. Plans starts at $85 per month and increase alongside your growth and as your company scales; you pay for what you use.

1) Affordable Pricing

In fact, we have amongst the most competitive pricing in the market. While we are dedicated to providing enterprise solutions to our trusted partners, we also want to ensure no organization is left out because of their size or shape.

MetricFire pricing options are available for large and extra-large teams with some limitations. Even when it comes to enterprise pricing, we are still able to offer the best pricing in the market. MetricFire costs half as much as DataDog’s pricing and is significantly lower than that of AWS CloudWatch.

2) 24/7 Support

Enterprises just don’t need support, they want tailored support to their product, on-demand, regardless of the time of the day. When they encounter a problem with their software, they don’t want some operators to listen to them. They want quick resolution with defined SLA.

They seek support from engineers and developers who have precise information about the product and their IT setup, software resources, hardware capabilities, and past or persistent issues. In a nutshell, you need an expert developer whom you can trust when things go wrong.

At MetricFire, we offer first-line, 24/7, deeply technical support from experts, whenever you need it. Our on-call team works 24/7, 365 days a year, with continuous automated monitoring from around the world.

3) Open Source at Heart

MetricFire is built upon a host of open source monitoring tools such as Prometheus, Graphite, and Grafana. We host these tools so we can offer them as a service and add functionalities to counter their limitations; they still retain all the properties of vanilla Prometheus, Graphite, and Grafana.

MetricFire charges only for the services and not the software itself. Your data remains yours, you can easily migrate to and from MetricFire, and there is no risk of proprietary data lock-in.

When a company becomes too reliant upon a single vendor or solution, they can find themselves victims of vendor lock-in. Vendor lock-in is a common problem among companies using proprietary software, databases, or platforms. Problems arise when organizations find themselves incapable of moving to an alternative vendor without significant expense or business disruption.

Growing organizations are especially vulnerable to vendor lock-in because the out-of-the-box solutions that made sense for them when they started out no longer work for them as their business expands.

Many companies are actively trying to reduce their risk of vendor lock-in. One solution is switching to open-source software, or to a hosted service like MetricFire — where you can easily retain all of your freedoms without having to handle the challenges of operation.

4) Choice of Server Location

MetricFire has servers located in Europe as well as the US to ensure your incoming metrics don’t get hit by high latency and remain truly real-time, even when scaling up to absorb new end-users. That is MetricFire gives you the level of flexibility that only a few hosted solutions can offer.

5) On-Premises Available

Keeping network monitoring on-premises gives you a level of control and added security that cloud-based solutions just can’t offer. This is the major reason IT professionals don’t move off of “on-premises”, even in a world fast moving towards a “cloud-first” attitude.

They need to organize solutions to precisely match their requirements, and they don’t want to work around their cloud provider for security limitations or performance reliability.

What good is a monitoring solution, hosted or not, if it isn’t real-time? MetricFire’s on-premises network monitoring software solutions collect data with real-time speed and accuracy, improving your response time to issues.

Although people’s trust in the security of public clouds is catching up to on-premises security, many organizations still find it more comfortable to store their data on-premises. As security remains a growing challenge for IT operations, on-premises solutions offer much needed relief by offering granular control over the access and security of your data.

Fortunately, on-premises is one of the options when switching to MetricFire.

6) Community Supported Dashboards

The Grafana dashboards available within the MetricFire platform have been developed by the open-source community, and not by a team or the organization behind the tool. That is, the dashboards are in continuous development driven by large community feedback. They will have fewer bugs and more functionality than any other proprietary technology at any point in time.

Therefore, by insisting on community-supported dashboards, we make better quality dashboards. They are not developed within a corporation, like DataDog’s proprietary one.

7) Light-Weight Dashboards

With all those neat graphics and a continuous stream of data, doesn’t Grafana slow down your computer? While Grafana dashboards looks like it might require a lot of memory to run, it is actually designed to be run on basic hardware. Grafana only hogs a little bit more computing resources than a calculator.

Using MetricFire is even more efficient. With Grafana dashboards being hosted in our web app, viewing your Grafana dashboard won’t take up any more resources than opening a new tab on your browser. Think of our Grafana dashboards as streaming games you can play on any device — the graphical computations are done off your computer and the dashboards are streamed.

8) Customized Dashboards

We know your team has lots of engineers and not so many designers. Yet, you want the dashboard to look picture perfect for monitoring your application. Also, you want many different features, but you don’t want your dashboard to get cluttered. No worries, our team can do the perfect dashboard customization for you.

We will download and install any dashboard from the Grafana resource list onto your MetricFire account, and if you can’t find one that you like there, we will build some that better suit your needs.

9) Redundancy of Data (N+2)

Backups are boring, especially when you have to make the copies yourself. They are also costly. You have to bear the cost of storage whether on a cloud drive or a shared hosting account. However, backups can be a real lifesaver in case of failures as a result of human errors or natural calamities. You also need to have the other copy of your data readily available to avoid disruption.

However, just one copy is a bad idea. What if lightning strikes them both at the same time. MetricFire ensures redundancy of data by creating three copies of everything automatically.

10) Long Term Data Storage

When it comes to looking at historical monitoring data from any source, it may have little relevance compared to a more recent set of data, but that doesn’t make that data useless. It still has relevance in accrediting a potential performance issue with the app.

Simply deleting a set of monitoring data once it has passed its relevance date is a bad idea, as you will likely need to access it in the future.

That’s not an issue with MetricFire, as all data is stored for at least two years.


The next step is to sign up for the MetricFire free trial and start using it today. No credit card or commitment required. You can start monitoring all of your apps in our platform within minutes. You can also book a demo and talk to the MetricFire team directly about what monitoring systems will work best for you.

