Introducing Pie’s newest team member, Luis Grimaldo!

Charlie Hicks
The Life of Pie
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2016

We chatted with Luis to find out about his story and life before Pie. Sign up to Pie’s 360 video platform here!

Pie is very excited to welcome its newest member to the team, Luis Grimaldo, as Lead Mobile Developer. Very excitingly, he joins as the first full time employee. Check out his 360 videos on Pie here!

The whole team in 360! Jacob, Ceci, Luis and Guillaume

Luis was a bright spark as a young developer. He proved to be head and shoulders above the rest of the competition not only in Peru, where he grew up, but the whole of South America, in a Microsoft-sponsored game developer competition. He built the game — inkawar — at the tender age of 13(!), despite being up against professionals. Now in his mid-20s, with a vast and ranging background in the full stack of development, Luis is a perfect fit for the development of the Pie mobile app.

The brilliance Luis exhibited at a young age did not go unnoticed. Not long after this success, with the help of Microsoft, Luis was finishing up High School in Virginia and earned a scholarship to Johns Hopkins University. He studied his undergraduate degree in Computer Science there for four years before spending a couple of years working for Microsoft. However, not long after, the call of the Bay Area was too strong to avoid for any longer. After a couple of years at bigger companies, Luis is now keen to try his hand at the start-up life! Pie gives him the opportunity to build and use the full catalogue of his talents, while the 360 video content harks back to happy memories of the game development world where, for Luis, it all began.

We were able to drag Luis away from work to have a quick chat with him about his thoughts on 360 video and life here in San Francisco:

Q: What’s the best video you’ve filmed with 360?

Luis: Last weekend I had a great time in Tahoe— my girlfriend, Marianne, and I went camping and canoeing out there. We went out canoeing and made a 360 video from the middle of the lake! That was pretty cool! Marianne is also obsessed with it and can’t wait to shoot some more videos.

Q: What you would love to film in 360?

Luis: I think hiking to a really good peak and filming from the top would be great. You’d have good views, good shots where you can rotate around. Also the beach, lakes, mountains. Anywhere with natural beauty.

Q: What’s the coolest 360 video you’ve seen?

Luis: There were some videos on Pie I saw of these guys snowboarding and skiing. That was awesome.

Q: What’s the best thing about living out here in San Francisco?

Luis: The people. Everyone is very friendly in the city. I like how everything is very close. You don’t have to drive, you can be in one neighbourhood and you can walk a couple of blocks and you’re in another part of town. And the diversity is great. There are loads of places to go: Marina, Golden Gate park, Japan Town, loads! — there’s a good mixture of urban and green. That’s good for me because I’m a big fan of cities and a big fan of landscapes. The only problem is that it can get a little bit cold, I’m used to 100 degrees!

Q: What’s the one thing you miss most from Peru?

Luis: Food- everything there is homemade. Lomo saltado is my favourite! I can make a decent homemade Lomo saltado!

Pie is very excited to have Luis as the newest member of the family to help bring 360 video to the world!

