Food Controversy

What The Egg Controversy Reveals About How Our Bodies Handle Food Cholesterol

Maybe, with this understanding, we can each decide for ourselves if eggs deserve a place on our plates.

Stephanie Jyet Quan Loo
The Microscope
Published in
9 min readSep 18, 2024


Illustration from DALL-E

During lunch with a friend one day, I noticed something unusual about his eating habits. He is usually one to clean his plate (except the corianders). This time, though, he did something different with the hard-boiled egg that came with his soup noodles — he ditched the yolk and ate the white. Curious, I asked why.

“The yolks are high in cholesterol,” he said.

The reason wasn’t new to me, but I was intrigued by how people experience egg consumption differently. Some acquaintances claimed their blood cholesterol dropped after cutting out eggs, while others ate them daily and maintained healthy blood profiles.

It made me wonder: how did eggs become dietary villains, and what does science really say about them? As I combed through the scientific literature, I found that the effects of egg consumption have always been controversial.

While I can’t say explicitly whether eggs are good or bad, I did uncover some fascinating insights into how our bodies handle cholesterol from food, which will be…

