Commitment to things I like

Anthony Dolce
The Middle of Nowhere
1 min readApr 11, 2017

In the couple weeks I’ve done this blog, I realized a problem I’ve known for a while now, but one that becomes ever more prevalent.

I have a hard time committing to things.

It is tough for me to set my mind to things that don’t have deadlines. I’m the ultimate procrastinator. Even if it’s things I like to do, I usually postpone them for things that require even less effort.

I love to read. But reading is a task, especially reading books. What’s easier than reading? Watching TV.

I’m also at my happiest when I put effort into things, especially when it’s writing. When I’m fully expressing creativity as much as I can, especially when it doesn’t have a grade looming, I’m a much happier person.

It just doesn’t happen very often. And it’s something I’ve grown wary of. Struggling with anxiety has made me realize that lack of effort I put into things. I’ve been trying to retrain my mind, and as soon as I get to the point where I’m satisfied with the results, I stop, and the anxiety comes back.

This needs to change. If I can commit to that, it will pave the way for a lot of other things I can do. I’ll grow more of a focus to writing, and I’ll be able to do it more often. I’m optimistic I can do this.

I’ve never doubted my own ability to do things. That isn’t going to start now.



Anthony Dolce
The Middle of Nowhere

SUNY Oswego ’17. BRC Major, THT minor, PxP for Oswego Men’s Hockey. A Swiss-Army Knife of Talent, Modesty, and Sarcasm. Team Instinct.