Opening up: Myself and a business

Anthony Dolce
The Middle of Nowhere
2 min readFeb 21, 2018

When I graduated last May from SUNY Oswego with a bachelors in broadcasting and a minor in theatre, I had a rough idea of where my career path would go.

Opening a business at the age of 22 was not that path.

Life comes at you in funny ways. I didn’t get a broadcasting job right out of college, I worked, and still do, part time at a retail store, and I broadcast high school sports on the side, which I’ve done for the past several years. I, like a lot of fresh graduates, was in a rut.

But strange things tend to happen, often when you do not expect them. When my local comic and card shop in Fredonia, NY announced it was going out of business, I was surprised and saddened. It was one of the things keeping me happy during this transition point.

When the owner, and now good friend, asked me and a couple of friends, who are now my business partners, if we were interested, we balked. It was a big commitment and none of us had any kind of experience. We said we’d talk about it. Surely our parents would tell us we’re crazy, among many other doubts came into our heads.

But four months later, here we are.

Who knows if this will be successful or not, I obviously hope it will be. But I’m proud of myself, and Eric and Jon, for attempting to pave our own paths.

With all of that out of the way, to introduce myself to my future customers, and to get me to pick up the pen (keyboard) like Hamilton again, I’m going to be doing a series of Top 10 lists about my favorite things. That’s movies, songs, movie characters, and whatever else I can think of.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me on this ride, and everyone who will continue to support me through it. I hope to see you all at the Blue Dragon Inn.



Anthony Dolce
The Middle of Nowhere

SUNY Oswego ’17. BRC Major, THT minor, PxP for Oswego Men’s Hockey. A Swiss-Army Knife of Talent, Modesty, and Sarcasm. Team Instinct.