Use Caution When Getting Your Writing Advice From Other Writers
Recently I was working with a writer, let’s call her MK. We were discussing the use of links in stories and how often you should use them. She’d only included one inline link in the whole story and I’d suggested she add another in case people want to look up more info for themselves about something she’d been discussing.
But she was hesitant because, as she mentioned, she’d looked up guidance on this subject. Curious, I asked her to send me a link to her source and I really couldn’t have been more shocked… but I suppose I shouldn’t have been as I’ve seen, like, a zillion other such articles on Medium since I joined in 2021
The link MK sent me was to an article written in 2020 by Joseph A. Schmoe on the topic of using links in Medium stories — it was not written by anyone I’d ever consider to be an expert in the field of writing nor was it written by anyone employed by Medium. Joe listed in his bio that he’d retired from the profession of, oh let’s say security guard for the sake of anonymity but it was something sorta similar, and from the looks of it he’d long since stopped writing on Medium for whatever reason.
He did have another story he’d written about how the use of AI was going to revolutionize the Medium platform… yeah, ok…