“My favorite part of class has been writing on Medium

Tim Cigelske
The Midpoint
Published in
8 min readFeb 10, 2016


This week, I instructed students in my media writing class to edit each other’s work. I was asking a lot of them. Providing and receiving honest criticism of someone’s personal work is one of the most difficult tasks of a writer, or anyone.

But actively seeking honest critiques is the fastest way to improve. We all have blind spots, and the only way to reduce them is to seek feedback from other perspectives and then reflecting on it.

I thought it was only fair that I get the same sort of feedback. So at the end of the class, students completed a short anonymous survey about their classroom experience so far. It was helpful! Here are the full results, with my feedback where appropriate.

I’m sharing it both for my students (hi!) and as a template for anyone else who wants to try something similar for their needs.

What has been your biggest struggle in this class so far?

I think my biggest struggle so far, honestly, has been finding new interest in the things we discuss. I’ve done editing before because I’m an English writing major so I don’t feel like I’m getting anything new out of it. I almost feel like I’m in my own way, stopping myself from progressing and learning more about the things I already know. But there’s always more to learn. I also feel like I zone out a lot because I’m not giving things a chance, like the podcasts, they just really aren’t my thing, so I didn’t even give it my time, which I think is a struggle for me.

In this class so far my biggest struggle has been thinking outside the box. Normally I don’t think things through enough or edit enough and it’s hard for me to dig deeper.

I’m realizing that my writing has a long way to go.

Getting going fast on prompts. I am a particularly slow starter so that’s something to work on. Trying to write something or an idea down fast Having my writing be edited is something SUPER out of my comfort zone. So writing in an authentic way is hard for me because I worry too much about how other people will respond to it during the sharing/editing process.

Being able to stay focused for the entire two hours and forty minutes.

Towards the end I struggle to pay attention and not think about dinner or how tired I am.

In the future we’ll take a field trip to the Public Market partially for that reason. I know it can be hard to focus when you’re hungry. -TC

My biggest struggle in this class so far has been figuring out what I want to write about for each topic within a short amount of time.

My biggest struggle so far has been the ability to keep my focus. The class is long and I have 3 classes in a row before this one so it gets hard toward the end of the day.

Being able to not hurt someone’s feelings while critiquing their writing.

Participating because sometimes I am worried that I won’t have the right answer.

I would say my biggest struggle has been thinking out of my comfort zone and moving past the surface level thoughts.

Keeping my accounts in order, but I got that figured out now.

My biggest struggle has been participating actively. I only offer side comments. I need to start trying to submerge myself into the lessons.

My biggest struggle is the amount of focus on grammar. I really appreciate the focus and know that it is only going to make me a better writer. But with that said it makes me super anxious sometimes. There are so many rules and it can be overbearing.

So far, my biggest struggle in this class has been trying to remember all the different rules for good writing participation.

What has been your biggest lesson or accomplishment in this class so far?

I think my biggest lesson has been that I can always improve. And this kind of coincides with my struggle, but I’m beginning to learn that there is always room for improvement, no matter how big or small.

The biggest lesson in this class for me has been being able to work quickly. With the podcast I had to think about things quicker and write them down as they kept talking.

That editing may be uncomfortable but it is VERY necessary.

Taking different approaches to writing, in terms of creativity. I used to just sort of wait for it to hit me, but I have learned things to bring out creativity.

Revising and editing go a long way.

Not completely freaking out when someone else critiqued my work.

How crucial editing is in the writing process. It can really make or break your work, your reputation, and your trust with the audience.

My biggest lesson has been that inspiration can come from the most random things, along with the importance of editing.

Learning new tips for my everyday writing.

My biggest accomplishment was learning from others that they thought my writing was good! It was very reassuring to hear that! everyone makes mistakes, so participating or having someone else edit your work is and should not be intimidating.

I learned a lot about editing and grammar. I have never been good at grammar so, that chapter taught me a lot.

When introducing a person on a podcast it helps to have a quote from them presenting relevant information first.

Meeting new people that I probably would not have met otherwise and finding things that we share in common.

This class has made me focus on what exactly I am reading. I have found that I focus way more on what the author is trying to say rather than what I am trying to get out of it.

I have learned the importance of being thorough and clear. Also that communicating what I really think is not wrong. Learning that online writing should use short paragraphs and a less extensive vocabulary to keep the reader engaged.

Improving my writing.

What’s your favorite part of this class so far?

My favorite part of class has been writing on Medium. I love writing , so I’m a little biased but I love those little things we get to write on Medium, no matter what it is.

My favorite part of class so far has been thinking differently. I have never had a class where it’s more laid back and we get to formulate and share our own opinions and be creative.

I have liked all the different activities you have us do. For a two hour and 40 minute class it goes by very quickly.

The different exercises that, I think, are helping me grow as a writer The small writing assignment/exercises in class Last weeks black out poetry assignment… I’ve been doing that type of thing almost everyday now with the Tribune, it’s so enjoyable.

The Martian assignment was really interesting.

My favorite part of the class so far has been writing again. It is so lovely to have a few hours of my Tuesday night dedicated to writing.

The interactive assignments.

So far my favorite thing about this class was the Martian experiment.

Surprisingly I do not look at the clock at all, I like how fast the 3 hours go by. I also like how applicable the information is to my everyday life I love all the activities.

There is a meaning behind all of the lesson plans. A night class can be challenging sometimes but, I have never felt bored! I am always engaged and interested.

Keeping up with the @MarquetteMedia Twitter.

I like the open ended discussions and how you are always looking for comments, concerns, feedback and encourage participation. This makes it much more of a welcoming learning environment.

My favorite part about this class is how discussion based it is. It is such a comfortable and open environment.

I love the fact that it doesn’t feel like I am being talked at. Rather I am part of the conversation. The activities that allow us to meet others. It’s always nice to know your classmates writing creatively.

What would make your Media Writing experience better?

I think I would like more interactive things. I like doing rather than just listening. I’m a very hands-on learner, so maybe incorporating more of that learning style into the class.

Absolutely! Overall my goals is to have a good mixture of visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning opportunities. There should be even more hands-on activities starting next week, as well as some upcoming field trips, because to write effectively I really believe you have to experience the world outside the classroom.- TC

I think to make my Media Writing experience better would just be to continue to challenge my normal thinking process.

If all we did was listen and critique podcasts.

That sounds like my dream class.-TC

Earlier class time, otherwise nothing.

Same.- TC

Looking at more examples of media writing online.

Great idea. I’ll try to incorporate more of that, especially after we get some of the writing foundations down. -TC

Keep taking breaks throughout class, cause it’s hard to sit through the whole thing.

YES. Totally agree. I highly suggest walking around during the breaks, too. -TC

If we went over more of what we were learning in the readings. The activities usually correlate to the readings in some way, but I feel like we don’t go over a lot of the material.

Good feedback. I try to structure the class in thirds, so there is a big-picture discussion, hands-on writing and the quiz and grading to go over the nitty gritty reading material principles. I think I can make the quizzes a higher percentage from the reading. Any other suggestions? -TC

Not having it at 5 pm on a Tuesday.

Yes please. — TC

Getting my Medium articles edited.

Definitely! Coming soon. To begin with I wanted you to just get comfortable writing on Medium, as well as first have the opportunity to edit each other. Look for private feedback on your newly edited pieces. -TC

I think what we are doing is making my media writing experience better!

Happy to hear it. -TC

I have no other ideas I like how the class is going so far!

When we do our writing on medium.com, will you ever give your input on how you think we did? I am curious to read your edits.

Very glad to hear that! See above. -TC

If Medium highlighted misspelled words.

Try the Grammarly chrome extension.-TC

If I can effectively learn how to properly write for/to the media.

It would also help to look and analyze at examples of media writing outside of class so that I can relate it to the content that we learn.

Excellent suggestion! -TC

I would like to see more academic examples.

Can you expand what you mean by this? If you wrote this, shoot me an email. -TC

Learning how to write more types of online publications, such as press releases.

Great feedback. Coming soon! -TC

Continue to practice little things.

Anything else to add?

Nope, like the class so far.

Thanks for always being so helpful.

I am really enjoying this class

Nope have a great week! I hope you have a nice week!


Love this class so far!

I like the idea of having the quiz at the end of class if that means we get more time to complete it.

You da bomb

I am really enjoying this class so far.

It is one of the first classes that I know I am going to use in my professional career.

See you next week!!

I appreciate the kind words! I can assure you that at this point in the semester my first year teaching, the results would have looked very different. But one thing I’ve consistently done is collect regular anonymous feedback from my students, which has helped me improve. I still have a long way to go. And I’m still working on taking constructive criticism. :) -TC

