7 Counterintuitive Ways To Be a Boss People Love

1. Resist helping.

Max Klein
The Mightier Pen


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I was angry. My new boss refused to help. Isn’t a leader supposed to mentor and guide? I hated this guy already.

He’d asked me to coordinate three days of training in Okinawa, Japan with Marines, weapons, and ammunition. I was freshly promoted and had just arrived in Japan. I knew no one, knew nothing about Okinawa, and had no idea where to start.

He could have so easily guided me with his knowledge and saved me a ton of time and headaches, but he refused.

I grudgingly started from scratch. Talking to people. Asking questions. Finding out how things worked such as transporting live ammunition on public Japanese roads. Being resourceful. After about a week I had it planned.

I ran the plan by my boss, and he was pleased. He said:

“See, if I would have held your hand from day one, you would have had this planned more quickly, but now you are much more knowledgeable than you would have been had I walked you through it.”

I was also much more confident in what I could get done.

I went from angry that he wouldn’t help and hating the guy to grateful he didn’t help and loving the guy.

