Plantar Fasciitis, What is it? How Can You Get Relief?

The Miko Journal
Published in
2 min readNov 1, 2017

Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of foot pain. Pain generally comes from the heel, and symptoms are often worse in the morning. The pain originates from the plantar fascia, a tissue/tedon that runs under your foot. Causes are typically due to over use, typically in sports requiring involving running, dancing, or jumping. It commonly occurs due to having tight calf muscles, high arches, poor footwear, previous injury, and being over weight.

Treatments usually consist of a combination of approaches such as:

Resting, Taping your feet, stretches, cold therapy, and ultrasound. Surgery is usually kept as a last resort, and only used in a few extreme cases. Less than 5% of Plantar fasciitis cases are handles by surgery.


Many people dealing with plantar fasciitis find comfort doing the following:

  1. Applying Essential Oils- Frankincense, Peppermint, Lemongrass oil, and Grapeseed oil are most popularly used.
  2. Ice Therapy- Many find immediate relief simply by applying ice. It’s typically applied first thing in the morning, and when pain is persistent.
  3. Foot Massage- The soothing comfort of a foot massage is unbeatable for those affected by plantar fasciitis as well as people not affected. Miko makes a wonderful line of foot massagers, which you can see here:
  4. Vinegar Soak- Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy for many ailments including plantar fasciitis. Mix one cup apple cider vinegar and 6 cups of warm water in a tub or container. Soak feet for 30 minutes.

While the above suggestions by no means promise to be a cure. Many affecteb by plantar fasciitis swear by the methods as a way of providing relief during the healing stage.

