How to Become a Writer for The Millennial Workforce

Some guidance, some advice, submit when you’re ready!

Will Licko
The Millennial Workforce


What We Look For

  1. Personal stories of experience you have had. Whether you have had experience selling on Etsy, drop-shipping on Shopify, or travelling the world, we want to hear from you. We believe that The Millennial Workforce is ever changing, so won’t disregard anything, but make sure it is yours.
  2. Ideas about the future. Have an interesting idea about where the future of work, travel and innovation may lead us? Perfect! We want to hear from you.
  3. Self-improvement and escaping the ‘normal.’ Take that how you will.

What We Prefer

Don’t worry! This publication isn’t picky, so if you’re not sure about your story feel free to submit it anyway, but we would love if your story came under the following: (As they appear on our homepage)

  1. Stories: First hand, intriguing story-telling with a positive twist at the end, maybe you can teach us something!
  2. World of Freelance: Ideas about how to make money in the evolving world of work, ideas of how it is evolving at all, and anything else related…

Improving your story

