Mental Health is “Mental” for a Reason

Apoorva Reddy
The Millennial
Published in
6 min readJun 10, 2018

She launched her line of handbags back in 1993 with her husband, Andy. Her name has become the byword for a certain preppy style, recognized by her look of vibrant colors and playful designs. She had built up a total net worth in the ballpark of $150 million. A New York Times columnist had once stated that her collection of handbags served as a rite of passage for young girls and women living in the rather posh parts of Manhattan. On Twitter, celebrities Chelsea Clinton, Lena Dunham, and Jenna Bush Hager expressed appreciation for the designer and her brand. She has recited inspiration with her own words, such as “She leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes,” “She had a cocktail in her hand and confetti in her hair,” “Eat cake for breakfast,” and more.

On June 5th, 2018, she was found dead in her apartment in Manhattan in what appeared to be, and was later ruled, suicide by hanging. She was 55 years old at the time of her death.

Her name is Katherine Noel Brosnahan, known professionally as Kate Spade.

After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America in 1978, he operated kitchens in numerous New York City restaurants before 1999 when he wrote an article “Don’t Eat Before Reading This” in the New Yorker, which eventually led to Kitchen Confidential and several more titles. His award-winning series “Parts Unknown” showed viewers the incredible diversity between cultures and cuisines while simultaneously demonstrating how much we all have in common by sharing meals. He was the pioneer of “foodie” culture in the early 21st century through his books and television shows. CNN regarded him as “his love of great adventure, new friends, fine food and drink and the remarkable stories of the world made him a unique storyteller.”

On June 8th, 2018, he was in France working on an upcoming episode of “Parts Unknown”. He was found dead in his hotel room in an apparent suicide by hanging by using his bathrobe’s belt. He was 61 years old at the time of his death.

His name is Anthony Michael Bourdain.

Loved ones of both Spade and Bourdain were in a state of shock and mournfulness as they expressed how unexpected the death(s) were. Andrew Zimmern, the host of “Bizarre Foods”, claimed in the last year that Bourdain had never been happier. Kate’s husband Andy said she “sounded happy” the night before her death. It is understandable to assume that those who appear to be happy and confident don’t seem to have any problems. They had appeared to have lived a life full of success and fulfillment. So why would they commit suicide?

Mental illness does not have a certain “look” nor are there a set of standards that exist to regulate how a person should appear in order for them to need help when dealing with matters of mental health. We as people care about our image and what people think of us. Why would we show people that we are vulnerable? Why would we show people that we are suffering? Kate Spade’s older sister, Reta Saffo, said that Kate suffered from depression and anxiety, but was hesitant to seek treatment because she was worried that being hospitalized for her struggles with mental health would harm the image of her brand which emulates a “happy-go-lucky” vibe. Bourdain had been overcoming his heroin addiction since the 1980s.

Debra Kissen, PhD, a member of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, said, “It doesn’t always look like it does in the pharmaceutical ads, with the depressed person on the couch and their dog is coming over with a leash in their mouth, and them being too sad to take the dog out for fresh air. It’s invisible. You don’t see the cast, and you don’t always notice the extra effort it takes for someone to get through the day.” With misunderstanding and lack of knowledge about the common mental disorders comes the need to self-educate in order to look out for your loved ones who may be suffering from them. Since nothing has been released about the specific mental disorders Bourdain was suffering from, I am going to take a moment and provide some information on depression and anxiety, which is what Spade had been struggling with.

Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It’s a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression can be normal, and is only an indicator of underlying disease when feelings of depression start to become excessive, all-consuming, and interfere with daily living. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. Symptoms can include several of the following for at least 2 weeks: feeling sad, anxious, or empty, feeling hopeless or pessimistic, feeling guilty, worthless, or helpless, not enjoying things you used to enjoy, thoughts of suicide or death, etc. These are symptoms that are visible to the eye, and while those can be spotted right away, that doesn’t mean that the people living with depression who do not openly exhibit those symptoms are not as depressed. Everyone feels sad or down now and then, and those are normal emotions. However, depression is different. If those feelings last more than two weeks and don’t lift, or if you start to notice physical symptoms like changes in sleep, appetite, or energy, then seek help with your doctor or a mental health professional.

Think about your favorite celebrities who appear to have all the talent and success: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, one of Hollywood’s highest paid actors, had saved his mother from a suicide attempt when he was 15 years old, and he has not been able to shake that memory away. Lady Gaga, whose hits include “Poker Face” and “Paparazzi”, has dealt with depression and anxiety her whole life, and takes medication for depression. Michael Phelps, who’s won 28 Olympic medals claimed he “did not want to be alive” after the 2012 Games as he sat alone in his bedroom for almost a week. J.K. Rowling had the young generations falling in love with the Harry Potter characters she created, but she even felt despair while writing her novels. Actor Robin Williams was an Academy Award-winning actor and comedian, but even he had a history with depression and both alcohol and substance abuse.

Anxiety is a mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one’s daily activities. Symptoms for generalized anxiety disorder may include restlessness, easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, irritability, difficulty controlling the worry, etc. There is also panic disorder and social anxiety disorder. Actress Kristen Bell takes medication for anxiety. Medication is one, but not the only way, that one can use to deal with anxiety. For example, singer Adele tries to make herself laugh when she has anxiety attacks before performing onstage. Reality television star Khloe Kardashian uses exercise. Singer/Actress LeAnn Rimes signed herself up for therapy.

Not always being able to see the symptoms of a mental disorder does not mean that there is absolutely no hope for help if you are suffering in silence, or if you want to help someone in your life who may be silently struggling. If you know someone that has a mental disorder, you do not have to wait until they show signs of distress to check in on them, and if you are dealing with these issues yourself, don’t wait until you reach your breaking point before you ask for help. Not all symptoms of mental disorders are transparent, but that does not mean that they are not struggling. You cannot just look at how someone appears to be and know immediately that they must be suffering from a mental disorder. While there have been people that have been open about their struggles with mental disorders, there are still a great amount of people who choose not to talk about it for fear of the stigma attached to mental health of someone being defined as “crazy” or “insane” or “unstable”. Do not be afraid to admit that you are suffering from a mental disorder. Just because you may be suffering from a mental disorder does not mean that you are incapable of achieving your dreams and being happy and successful.

If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1–800–273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741–741.

