Well, that was a fun year for society, 2018 (Narrator: In actuality, it was not fun)

Ryan Worthen
3 min readJan 2, 2019


So, another year of this adulting thing; and despite a perpetual sense of “well, it seriously couldn’t be any worse than last year”, 2018 happily took on that challenge…………and beat us down worse than Thanos did Hulk.

Narrator: Actual footage from 2018

Donald Trump still has the title of “President” (to the dismay of many rational human beings, lower species, distant planetary life, his own staff, and even himself); we have kids in cages; part of the government is shutdown while Trump throws a hissy-fit about the wall that makes no logical sense, that someone else was supposed to pay for, that’s costing his own constituents (Narrator: yes, we’re baffled that we just wrote those words as well. You’re not alone. Do not adjust your TV set); the Catholic Church continued the cover-up of thousands of sexual abuse cases (Narrator: yet, comparatively, this has flown under the radar, considering our political state); but wait, there’s more!

Narrator: Even the meme is baffled by the state of society, despite it personally having a good year.

We’re seeing failures in diplomacy and race relations that range from “haven’t been seen in decades” to “never before seen”; Kavanaugh happened; and we’re quickly losing every shred of political and social dignity that we had left, worldwide. We’re getting to the final buzzer in terms of the point-of-no-return with respect to climate change, as well as our futures in general. So this is a call to action for those who even remotely care about the long-term wellbeing of the totality of society, and not just their own self-interests: WE NEED TO STEP UP AND FIGHT BACK!

Narrator: Bugs was obviously clairvoyant, and ahead of his time.

We must build upon the good things that we actually got from this year: the increased diversity in government, as a counter to the status quo that we had been forced to accept; millennials increasing their education about their options in terms of breaking themselves from the social constructs that have been drilled into our heads; and finally, the hard work, and positive efforts by the staff at The Millennial. In order to change society, we collectively have to put in the necessary work to undo the toxic actions that our predecessors have already done. We need to be willing to do uncomfortable things like challenge our loved-ones on their toxic (Narrator: and often blatantly inaccurate) views/statements;

Narrator: Your Nana might be a racist/fascist/homophobe; accept it; sucks to suck.

we need to make a concerted effort towards equality (bye, gerrymandering), and towards fairness across the board (*coughs-support democratic socialism).

I’m legitimately not sure if we can survive another 2018…or 17…..or 16. Lets learn from what we’ve experienced, and make this year better than what we’ve had so far.



Ryan Worthen

What am I without the suit? Therapeutic Life Coach, Grad Student, Social Superman, Philanthropist.